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Blockchain Project Ideas for Beginners & Professionals

The most prominent financial organisations in the world have created a partnership to research  Blockchain Projects for quicker and more secure transactions. And they are being adopted in massive ways more widely. 

In fact, according to the Global Blockchain Survey conducted in 2021 by Deloitte, 81% of global respondents believe that Blockchain Projects are scalable and flexible enough to be part of any organisation.

Blockchain project ideas are being developed and used by governments, companies, and other organisations to address various requirements. Although it was just introduced ten years ago, Blockchain has the potential to become the foundation of the world's record-keeping systems.  

We are currently in the web 3.0 age. People have started implementing this incredible Blockchain technology and are preparing to advance their careers. And if you're reading this blog, you undoubtedly fall into that category of quick learners. We have listed  15 real-world Projects on Blockchain that you can work on to reinforce your understanding of the technology.  Check out the most recent and interesting ideas for the Blockchain Projects related to different sectors, based on beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.

Table of Contents

1)  What is a Blockchain Project?

2) Why are Blockchain Projects so important? 

3) Blockchain Project's Goal

4) Projects on Blockchain for beginners

5) Intermediate Projects on Blockchain  

6) Advanced Projects on Blockchain  

7) Conclusion

Learn the fundamentals of Blockchain 101 and Ethereum. Sign up for our Ethereum Developer Training now! 

What is a Blockchain Project?

An initiative to create or develop a Blockchain-based system is called a "Blockchain Project." Startups, business groups within larger organisations, and even governments frequently work on Blockchain initiatives. They can also be carried out by independent open-source groups not connected to any one business or institution.  

Blockchain can be a doorway to the crypto world. You can learn how to use the technology and gain first-hand knowledge of its applications by developing your project. Additionally, you'll get a chance to learn first-hand what it's like to run a company with a team of stakeholders, including clients and investors.  

Blockchain applications comprise two significant aspects Smart Contract and Interface(front-end). Front-end is a user interface which will help you interact with your application. Smart contracts are programs that operate on a Blockchain and contain your application's business logic. These programs will majorly help you to shape your Blockchain Project.  

In addition, the growth of cryptocurrencies has taught us that nothing is more interesting than being at the forefront of new Blockchain Projects. So here are some reasons why are Blockchain Project ideas are considered essential. 

Blockchain Training

Why are Blockchain Projects so important? 

Here are a few significant reasons why these Projects have gained importance: 

1) Decentralised Structure- Blockchain Projects are decentralised, meaning no single central organisation or person controls them. Anybody and everyone can now access them.  

2) Stability- Due to the decentralised nature of Blockchains, they are also immutable, which means that once anything has been added to the Blockchain, it cannot be deleted or changed without access permissions.  

3) Individual Data Management- Future-proof Blockchain initiatives that provide people ownership over their data are essential. Individuals can decide how their data is used and who has access to it by modifying the rules on their end when they can regulate it.  

4) Tokenisation- In Blockchain Projects, tokenisation is crucial because it enables ownership without requiring physical ownership of a thing or asset. Additionally, it allows partial ownership, making things like crowdfunding much more straightforward than before tokenisation. 

Learn the fundamentals of Blockchain 101 and Ethereum. Sign up for our Ethereum Developer Training now!

Blockchain Project's Goal

The goal of Blockchain Projects is to develop or build effective Blockchain-based technology. While building Blockchain Projects, there are a few goals to keep in mind:

Transparency: Blockchain Projects should be transparent, i.e., stakeholders involved in the project should be able to know if something is wrong with their transactions or data within the Blockchain system.

Security: One of the fundamental aspects of any Blockchain is the security they provide to the users. Only if userscan trust the security of the Blockchain will they be willing to put their sensitive data there.

Scalability: While building a Blockchain Project, one of your fundamental goals should be to make the actual Blockchain as scalable as possible, whether upwards or downwards. If there is no scalability, there is no advantage to the stakeholders.

Flexibility: Your Blockchain should be flexible enough to be worked on other systems or applications by users other than you.

So here are some suggestions of Blockchain Project ideas for getting started if you want to be at the forefront of innovation: 

Projects on Blockchain for beginners

Projects on blockchain for beginners

If you are entirely unaware of Blockchain, you might wonder how to start. Out of several existing Projects, it becomes tough to figure out which ones to begin with. The top Blockchain-related project ideas for beginners are listed below: 

1) Hello, World! 

Idea: The first project idea you can execute is to print the phrase "Hello, World!" A very basic smart contract will be used here, returning the text "Hello, World!" as it sounds like an elementary idea. Even though it seems like a relatively straightforward concept, if you're starting, this will teach you a lot. You will learn all the fundamentals of a Blockchain project from it. You will know how to declare contracts, functions, and many other fundamental concepts, as well as the structure of a solidity file. 

2) Simple Storage 

Idea: A simple storage smart contract is the next project concept you can put into practice. An integer variable can be used in this contract if you can read it, update its value, and then use it again. There are two functions in this contract:  

a) Increasing the value of the stated variable  

b) Decreasing the value of the stated variable  

As a result, it is now possible to create smart contracts that allow data modification rather than just read-only access. Additionally, once you understand how to change the data in a smart contract, you may enhance its performance by including new features and making it more useful.    

3) Multi-Send 

Idea: A Multi-Send Blockchain project attempts to simplify sending and receiving money using cryptocurrency. The following concept is to create Blockchain software to send ether to numerous Ethereum addresses. Similar to how you would use another user's email address to send an email, you would use an Ethereum address to send ethers.   

When paying staff, this tool can be beneficial. You must create an Ethereum smart contract to build this project. To do this, you can use REMIX IDE. REMIX IDE is a flexible no-setup tool used by beginners for developing smart contracts. The platform offers users an easy way to use their money, which is intended to make it simpler for those new to or unfamiliar with cryptocurrencies to get involved in the field. 

4) Ether Wallet 

Idea: Let's discuss the fourth project concept, Ether Wallet. One of the most popular Blockchains in the world is called Ethereum, and its token is called ether. One of the simple Blockchain Project ideas is Ether Wallet, which features an online wallet that lets users keep their Ether tokens on their desktops or mobile phones. Additionally, the wallet enables users to transfer and receive Ether tokens via an interface similar to existing online wallets like PayPal or Venmo.  

A wallet that lets you use your ethers for purchases. You'll build a smart contract for this project to accept ether from other addresses and send ether to different addresses. Working on this ether wallet project will teach you how to work with or update ether in a smart contract. And it's essential to understand this because the strength of smart contracts depends on their capacity to move funds.  

5) Blockchain-based Patient Data Management System

Idea: Privacy and security are two key issues regarding patient data that need to be resolved. The stored patient data can be transformed into information that can be used to improve the healthcare system. Hence, we can implement a system using Blockchain that can keep patient data safe and secure, and accessible enough so that research can be performed.

In this system, patients would share their data as a smart contract on the Blockchain. It would permitt access to data only if certain conditions are met, thereby maintaining the security of the data.

Furthermore, researchers who would want to access data would need accessibility keys, and only upon obtaining them will they be allowed to perform research on the data available.

Learn to create and deploy your Private Blockchain on Multichain. Check out our Blockchain Training Course today!

Intermediate Projects on Blockchain

Intermediate Project Ideas for Blockchain

Now, let’s discuss some intermediate Blockchain Project ideas that you can use in the intermediate level.  

1) Time lock Wallet  

Idea: The first project idea in the intermediate category is Time lock Smart Contract. A wallet that closes your crypto assets for a predetermined period is a time-lock smart contract. That means that even if you wanted to, you wouldn't be able to withdraw your cryptocurrency assets. Such wallets have a variety of applications. However, one of the most important uses of a time lock wallet is to stop you from selling your crypto assets when the market crashes.  

People frequently sell their cryptocurrencies after the market crashes because they fear losing their invested funds. But as we all know, holding onto cryptocurrency for a long time is necessary if we want to generate huge returns. Locking your cryptocurrency in a time-lock wallet is one way to accomplish this. This will prevent you from withdrawing the funds for a specific period. 

2) To-do List App 

Idea: The next project idea is to make a to-do list app powered by Ethereum smart contracts. By making this application, you can learn how Blockchain works or how Blockchain applications work in general. A To-do list is a primary tool that enables users to list their activities and arrange them logically. Additionally, it allows the user to mark each task as finished. There are two structures in the to-do list app: 

The front end- This consists of an angular/ionic app allowing users to create, manage, and mark off tasks. An open-source mobile hybrid framework for developing cross-platform mobile apps will be used to build this using an angular/ionic app.  

The back end- Here, the user's data will be securely saved on the Blockchain backend so that it cannot be modified or accessed by anybody without the account owner's permission. No one can update or change any information without first knowing with whom they are dealing.  

In this app, you must access your to-do list via a browser and connect to the client-side application. The Blockchain itself will be used to store all of the to-do items. The smart contract will include every item on our to-do list, enabling the user to add new items, mark items as complete, delete items, and more. 

3) Decentralised Cryptocurrency Exchange

Idea: The next project idea would be to create a decentralised cryptocurrency exchange, meaning the exchange will not be live on a server. Instead you will own the private keys to your cryptocurrency. The concept behind the creation of this exchange is that most cryptocurrency holders want to trade their cryptocurrency at a point in time, and decentralisation would allow them to do as such.

To build this exchange, the basic requirement is to build smart contracts to handle trading. The smart contracts should be able to handle Ethereum assets, tokens or the cryptocurrency itself. Next would be adding a client-side interface so that users can interact with the application. In order to convert your completed application into a Blockchain, use Web3.js, which will allow you to talk to smart contracts inside a regular website.

4) Voting System 

Idea: A great example of how Blockchain technology and smart contracts may be used to improve system trust and transparency is voting. Voting can be done using this program at both the organisational and the national levels. You must take certain precautions when developing this project for your voting system to function:  

a) Due to privacy concerns, you should hide user information in your application  

b) A person can cast one vote at a time based on the eligibility  

c) There should be transparency  

d) Votes should be accurately recorded and counted  

e) Avoid mistakes to prevent fraud in the voting system 

5) Savings and Lending Application 

Idea: The project concept is to create a lending and savings application. Decentralised finance, or DeFi, is currently quite popular. DeFi is a method for transferring current financial solutions to the Blockchain. People frequently engage in this behaviour in the area of lending and saving. People would be able to borrow money using this application on Blockchains.  

This allows them to lock up some assets, borrow other coins, and pay them back later after a predetermined period. Trading cryptocurrencies is a different application for this kind of software. Traders can lock up certain cryptocurrency assets to borrow another asset they can then trade and profit from. 

Learn how bitcoins work and how to secure bitcoins. Register for our Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Course now! 

Advanced Projects on Blockchain 

Advanced Project Ideas for Blockchain

Let us discuss in detail about some advanced Blockchain Project ideas: 

1) Blockchain Wallet 

Idea: Many people use cryptocurrencies, and they all need a way to manage their money. With the use of Blockchain wallets, they can store and move this cash between wallets. Examples of Blockchain wallets are Argent, Coinbase and Trusted wallets. This, most importantly, helps hold cryptocurrencies. Additionally, they have a web browser integrated into them that enables the operation of Blockchain-based applications.

These wallets enable users to sign transactions with their private key, a requirement for Blockchain applications. Now, how would you create something similar?

Follow the steps below:  

a) Use React Native or Flutter  

b) Connect this application to the Blockchain  

c) Use Web3.js, which is a library to turn your web application into a Blockchain website  

d) Your application is converted into a website enabling the user to sign transactions 

2) DAM (Digital Asset Marketplace) 

Idea: Digital Asset Marketplace is the next project concept. People need a venue to buy and sell their digital assets (also known as digital assets) because so many people own them. A complete framework is offered to users via digital asset marketplaces or DAMs.   

DAM acts as a trusted mediator between digital asset issuers and investors. They provide several tools and services to make it easier for users to transact with one another. Requirements to build this kind of application are:  

a) Ethereum smart contracts  

b) Solidity programming language  

c) Web application  

d) Web3.js library 

3) Peer-to-Peer Carpooling

Idea: The next Advanced Blockchain Project Idea is to create a Peer-to-Peer carpooling system.  A singular agency controls the vast majority of carpooling systems. Therefore, to build this, you will have to write smart contracts that will directly connect the rider and the driver without any need for third-party agent interference, such as Ola and Uber.

If carpooling and ride-sharing are moved to Blockchains, then a secure and reliable system can be built and delivered in no time.

4) Skill Verification System 

Idea: People boast about themselves on social media platforms, which is often considered valid even if it is not. With decentralised consensus, this skill validation system would quickly and objectively validate skills. A Blockchain-based skill verification system can reduce the time spent executing competency checks.  

With Blockchain, an employee can have their abilities documented on a network that is accessible, and that is also validated and approved by their prior managers or employers. Consequently, with a skill chain built on the Blockchain for an employee, we can have complete assurance of the employee's skills, experience, learning objective progress, and competency level, in addition to transparency regarding the individuals who have supported the employee's performance in terms of these skills.  

Use cases:  

a) HR may use it to simplify the hiring process  

b) Can be used by the employee to join the preferred company  

c) Can be applied to competency evaluations  

d) Can be used to chat with organisations and staff 

5) Fake Product Identification System 

Idea: The next Blockchain Project idea is a Fake Product Identification System. As everyone is aware, there are fake versions of every brand today. Every well-known brand has fake producers who sell the same product at lower prices by compromising quality.   

Even the original company's experts might be unable to tell the difference between their actual and fake products. You could identify authentic products using Blockchain technology and put a QR code on them as they are manufactured. This QR code will be linked to the Blockchain. The product information and generated QR code for the product can be stored in the database as blocks. People can now use their smartphones to scan the QR code, and their devices will indicate whether the product is genuine.  

The scanned QR code will be compared to records in the Blockchain database. If the code matches, the buyer will be informed that the products are authentic; if not, they will be told that the product is fake. Significant brands will come to you if you effectively carry out this project. It is a highly fascinating and beneficial project concept. 

Preparing for a Job Interview? Check out our Blockchain Interview Questions!


This blog gives you a detailed understanding of the top 15 real-world best Blockchain Project Ideas you can add to your resume. Throughout the blog, the Projects on Blockchain are explained along with the proper mechanism and blockchain use cases. These Blockchain Project ideas are counted among the latest trends as it brings about significant advancement leading to better employment opportunities in every industry. 

Sign up for our Blockchain Training Courses today to take your career to the next level and boost your earning potential even more! 

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