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What is Google Cloud Platform

In the rapidly evolving Cloud Computing landscape, "What is GCP or Google Cloud Platform?" is a question that often arises. GCP is a suite of Cloud services offered by Google, functioning on the same infrastructure that powers Google's own applications. These services span over Infrastructure, Software and serverless Computing. It enables businesses to fully harness the transformative potential of Cloud Computing. 

If you wish to learn more about this powerful platform, which offers a host of benefits such as high-performance and scalability, you’ve come to the right blog. Read this blog to learn What Is Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and how it offers server space on virtual machines, internal networks, VPN connections, and disk storage.

Table of Contents 

1) An overview of Cloud Computing 

2) History of Google Cloud Platform

3) Google Cloud Platform in Cloud Computing  

4) Google Cloud vs Google Cloud Platform

5) Why use Google Cloud Platform?

6) Core services of Google Cloud Platform 

7) Benefits of the Google Cloud Platform 

8) Cons of Google Cloud Platform

9) How can businesses leverage Google Cloud? 

10) Conclusion 

An overview of Cloud Computing 

Cloud Computing, in its simplest form, involves the provision of Computing services—such as servers and storage. Its use cases can encompass databases, networking, software, and more—via the Internet, colloquially known as the Cloud. This transition from conventional on-premises servers introduces a plethora of advantages, including the following: 

a) Cost savings 

b) Enhanced performance 

c) Increased speed 

d) Scalability 

It's this technological shift that's reshaping the way businesses operate, highlighting the ever-increasing importance of the digital realm.

Google Cloud Training

History of Google Cloud Platform

The primary concern is What is GCP? Google Cloud Platform (GCP) was introduced in 2008 with the release of a product called App Engine. In April of that same year, Google announced a preview of the App Engine, a developer tool that enabled customers to run their web applications on Google's infrastructure.

The objective of App Engine was to simplify the process of initiating a new web application and to facilitate its scalability as soon as it starts receiving substantial traffic and accommodates millions of users.

In order to gather the necessary feedback to improve the preview release, App Engine was made accessible to 10,000 developers as early adopters. These developers were given access to apps with up to 500 MB of storage, 200 million megacycles of CPU per day, and 10 GB of bandwidth per day.

By the end of 2011, Google took App Engine out of the preview mode, and established it as an official and fully supported product. In the past decade, Google has built and acquired numerous services and products to improve the user experience of its cloud platform.

Google Cloud Platform in Cloud Computing

In 2008, Google entered the Cloud Computing field, initially launching with a single service—the Google App Engine. This platform was designed for developing and hosting web applications in Google-managed data centres, embodying Google's ambitious and forward-thinking approach. Over time, this singular service expanded and evolved, giving birth to what is now known as the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), a comprehensive suite of Cloud-based services accessible through the Google Cloud Console.

One of the defining features of GCP is that it operates on the same robust infrastructure that Google uses for its well-known consumer products such as Google Search, Gmail, and YouTube. This implies that GCP has been built on an infrastructure that's already been tested and proven at an immense scale, which confers a unique advantage to the platform. Leveraging this sturdy foundation, GCP delivers numerous services that cater to a lot of business needs, covering a broad spectrum of use cases:

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

IaaS gives businesses the opportunity to rent IT infrastructure—such as servers, Virtual Machines (VMs), networks, Operating Systems (OS)—from a Cloud provider on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Google Cloud's IaaS offerings, such as Google Compute Engine. It is a service that provides scalable VMs, or Google Cloud Storage, a highly flexible and scalable storage system. Moreover, it saves businesses from the high upfront costs of setting up and managing on-site data centres, resulting in a cost-effective solution.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

PaaS provides a complete environment for development and deployment in the Cloud. This type of service facilitates developers in delivering everything from simple Cloud-based apps to sophisticated, enterprise applications without the complexity associated with building and launching an app.

Google's PaaS offering, App Engine, provides developers with the infrastructure needed to build, deploy, manage and scale applications. As a result, it allows them to focus on writing the code while Google manages the rest.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS is an internet-based software applications delivery method, on demand, typically on a subscription basis. This eradicates the need for organisations to install and run applications on their own computers or data centres. As a result, it helps eliminate the expense of hardware acquisition, maintenance, and software licensing. 

Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) is a prime example of Google's SaaS offering, delivering productivity tools such as Gmail, Docs, Drive, and Calendar. These tools are accessible from various devices, provided they have an Internet connection.

Refer Our Google Interview Questions and Answes to get through the Interviews with ease .

Google Cloud vs Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud is a comprehensive collection of public Cloud Computing solutions that are offered by Google. The platform consists of a variety of hosted services for Computing, storage, and application development, which are powered by Google Hardware. Google Cloud services can be accessed by Software Developers, Cloud Administrators, and other enterprise IT professionals via the public internet or a dedicated network connection.

On the other hand, GCP is one of the leading public Cloud vendors, along with its competitors Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. By utilising GCP and other Cloud vendors, customers can gain access to Computing resources situated in Google's data centres across the globe, either for free or with a pay-per-use model.

Why use Google Cloud Platform?

Organisations and businesses choose to use Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for various reasons. Here are some compelling reasons to consider GCP:

1) Scalability: GCP provides a highly scalable infrastructure that allows you to adjust resources based on your needs. Thus, you can handle increased workloads and traffic without interruptions.

2) Reliability: Google operates some of the world's largest and most reliable data centres. It ensures high availability and minimal downtime for your applications and services.

3) Security: GCP offers robust security measures, including data encryption, identity and access management, and DDoS protection. Google invests heavily in security to safeguard your data and applications.

4) Cost-effective: GCP offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, allowing you to control costs by only paying for the resources you use. It also offers various pricing options and discounts to optimise your spending.

5) Global network: Google has a vast and high-performance global network infrastructure that ensures fast and reliable connectivity for users and applications worldwide.

6) Cutting-edge technology: GCP consistently incorporates the latest technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Analytics, which can be readily integrated into your projects.

Interested in GCP? Get started with our Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals Course! Join today. 

Core services of Google Cloud Platform 

Regarding the core services, GCP boasts an expansive portfolio designed to cater to the multifaceted needs of businesses. These services span across diverse categories such as computing, storage, databases, Artificial Intelligence (AI), networking, and Machine Learning (ML), among others. So, let’s have a quick look at each of them:

What is Google Cloud’s services


GCP’s Computing suite is exceptional, beginning with Google Compute Engine. This service delivers scalable, high-performance virtual machines (VMs), providing the power required for heavy computational tasks. Each VM is customisable, enabling businesses to tailor resources according to their needs.  

Moreover, GCP offers Google Kubernetes Engine, a comprehensive service that simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of containerised applications. This service is invaluable for managing complex systems. It relieves developers of the intricate task of orchestrating multiple containers and provides businesses with a seamless, efficient, and resilient Computing environment. Through these Computing offerings, GCP supports diverse business needs, driving efficiency and innovation. 

Storage and Databases 

Within the storage and database domain, Google Cloud Platform excels. Google Cloud Storage, a key offering, presents a flexible object storage system that seamlessly scales to accommodate any volume of data. This system supports high-speed access and retrieval of data, while assuring resilience and durability.  

Further, GCP offers Cloud SQL—a fully managed service that significantly simplifies the task of setting up, maintaining, and administering MySQL and PostgreSQL databases in the Cloud. Cloud SQL ensures high availability, reduces downtime risks and provides secure, private connections. By offering these comprehensive storage and database services, GCP enables businesses to manage and harness their data efficiently. 


In the sphere of Networking, Google Cloud Platform provides robust solutions. Among these is Cloud Load Balancing, a serverless, multi-region load balancing service. It ensures efficient resource distribution, seamlessly managing network traffic across vast geographical distances. Moreover, adjusting workloads in response to demand allows it to enhance the application responsiveness and availability.  

GCP's Cloud CDN also utilises globally distributed edge points by Google of presence to cache HTTP(S) load-balanced content close to your users. This accelerates content delivery, markedly improving performance and reducing latency. By intelligently managing network traffic, these networking tools optimise user experiences. Thus, rendering GCP a prime choice for businesses seeking superior digital performance. 

Big Data and analytics 

For handling Big Data, Google Cloud Platform has designed robust solutions like BigQuery and Cloud Dataflow. BigQuery is GCP's fully managed, serverless data warehouse that stands out due to its capacity to conduct speedy SQL queries across vast data sets. This helps turn extensive data into intelligible insights swiftly.  

Additionally, GCP has Cloud Dataflow—a service that effectively manages both stream and batch data processing. Cloud Dataflow enables businesses to derive insights in real-time for prompt decision-making, as well as conduct historical data analysis for long-term trend identification. By combining the strengths of BigQuery and Cloud Dataflow, businesses can seamlessly transform their massive data reserves into strategic assets. 

Interested in virtual machines? Why not try our Architecting Infrastructure With Google Cloud Platform Training! 

Benefits of the Google Cloud Platform 

GCP’S unique features culminate in a wealth of advantages, empowering businesses to work more effectively and intelligently. Let's have a quick look at each of these benefits:

What is Google Cloud’s benefits

1) Performance: GCP's infrastructure is a hallmark of excellence, offering swift, reliable, and secure performance. This is the same infrastructure that powers Google Search and YouTube, two of the world's most widely used digital services. Thus, GCP's infrastructure is not only robust but also proven under the most demanding conditions. This assures businesses of its reliability and capacity to handle high volumes of traffic and data. 

2) Cost-effectiveness: Google's pricing model proves more flexible compared to other Cloud service providers, offering a 'pay-as-you-go' scheme. It means you only pay for the resources you actually use. Further sweetening the deal are automatic discounts applied based on resource usage. This allows businesses to optimise their expenditure while enjoying top-tier cloud services. 

3) Scalability: Regardless of whether you're a start-up, a small business, or a large enterprise, Google Cloud allows you to adjust your applications in line with your business needs. This means you can scale up during peak times to maintain performance. You can also scale down during quieter periods to conserve resources, all in a matter of minutes. 

4) Innovation: The platform provides a range of advanced services, including Machine Learning and AI tools. These technologies allow businesses to gain insights from their data, optimise their operations, and create new, intelligent features for their users. 

Master big data analysis with our Data Engineering With Google Cloud Platform Course -Join Today!

Cons of Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform provides various Cloud services and solutions. However, it's important to consider its limitations. Some of the cons of Google Cloud Platform include the following:

1) Complex pricing structure: GCP's pricing can be complex and difficult to estimate accurately. Users may find it challenging to predict their monthly bills, especially for variable or usage-based services.

2) Documentation and support: While Google provides extensive documentation and a knowledge base, some users may find it less user-friendly compared to other Cloud providers like AWS or Azure. The level of customer support can vary depending on your subscription tier.

3) Smaller market share: GCP has a smaller market share compared to AWS and Azure. Thismeans that there are fewer third-party integrations and community resources available. This can make it harder to find expertise and pre-built solutions for specific use cases.

4) Geographic availability: GCP may not have data centres available in all regions or countries. This can limit its geographic reach and impact latency for users in certain areas.

5) Ecosystem and services: While GCP offers numerous services, it may not have as extensive an ecosystem as AWS or Azure. This could be a disadvantage if you require specific integrations or niche services.

6) Learning curve: GCP services and tools may have a steeper learning curve for users who are not already familiar with Google's products and technologies. Transitioning from other cloud providers may require additional training and effort.

How can businesses can leverage Google Cloud? 

Across the globe, businesses are progressively adopting Google Cloud Platform (GCP), finding the potent suite of tools it provides to be invaluable in a multitude of ways. GCP facilitates the creation of new applications, enhances existing ones, provides insight into Big Data, and empowers businesses with its AI capabilities. Let's see how it helps businesses: 

For start-ups 

GCP proves to be an ideal choice for start-ups. With its scalable infrastructure, companies can effortlessly manage their growth, expanding their digital footprint without the associated worry about server management. Furthermore, the Machine Learning capabilities offered by GCP can be a significant game-changer. These capabilities enable start-ups to make informed decisions, predict trends, and offer innovative solutions to their users. 

For enterprises 

For larger enterprises, GCP's Hybrid and Multi-cloud Anthos is a major boon. This service allows businesses to run their applications anywhere, from the company's local data centre to Google's cloud platform. Even other third-party cloud providers like Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure, in a secure and unified manner. This flexibility empowers enterprises with the freedom to operate their applications where it best suits them, without being locked into a single Cloud Provider. 

Big data solutions 

GCP offers a robust set of big data solutions. A prime example is BigQuery, Google's fully managed, serverless data warehouse that enables businesses to analyse massive data sets with incredible speed and efficiency. This tool provides an opportunity for businesses to make data-driven decisions, improving their strategies and operations based on solid, quantifiable insights. 

AI and ML services 

GCP's AI and ML services offer businesses a route into the world of smart applications. With these tools, businesses can gain insights like never before, utilising AI to recognise patterns and make predictions. From automating simple tasks to creating intelligent, adaptive applications, GCP's AI and ML services can transform the way businesses operate, driving efficiency and innovation.

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In conclusion, learning What is Google Cloud Platform, isn't merely about identifying another player in the cloud domain. It's about recognising a versatile, potent suite of cloud services that empowers businesses to optimise operations, drive innovation, and scale growth. This technology can help you reach capabilities that was once unimaginable. 

Interested in how networks work? Try our Networking With Google Cloud Platform Course! 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Google Cloud platform used for? faq-arrow

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a suite of Cloud Computing services that enables businesses to build, deploy, and scale applications. It provides a range of infrastructure services, including Computing power, storage, and databases, as well as advanced solutions like machine learning and data analytics. 

What is Google Cloud Platform (GCP)? faq-arrow

No, Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are distinct Cloud Computing providers. While both offer similar services such as Computing power, storage, and databases, they differ in terms of specific offerings, pricing models, and global infrastructure. GCP emphasises Data Analytics and Machine Learning, leveraging Google's expertise, while AWS has a broader service portfolio. Choosing between them depends on individual business needs and preferences.

What is the difference between Google Drive and Google Cloud Platform? faq-arrow

Google Drive and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) serve distinct purposes. Google Drive is a user-friendly Cloud storage service designed for personal and collaborative file management. It offers features like document editing and sharing. On the other hand, Google Cloud Platform is a comprehensive suite of Cloud Computing services catering to developers and businesses.

GCP provides scalable infrastructure, data storage, Machine Learning, and other advanced solutions for building and deploying applications. In summary, Google Drive is for individual and collaborative file storage, while Google Cloud Platform is a robust infrastructure for developers and enterprises to build and scale applications in the cloud.


Is Google Cloud Platform free? faq-arrow

Google Cloud Platform offers a limited free tier with specific usage quotas for various services, allowing users to explore and experiment without incurring charges. However, usage beyond these limits or for certain premium services may result in charges. It's important to review the GCP pricing details and terms to understand the specific conditions of the free tier and potential costs associated with usage beyond those limits.


What is the difference between Google Drive and Google Cloud Platform? faq-arrow

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