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Difference Between C++ and Java

Java and C++ are extremely popular programming languages which developers frequently use. Both are well known for their Object-Oriented Programming and its benefits. It can be extremely difficult for a novice programmer to choose which language to learn without knowing the Difference Between C++ and Java. If you are also having trouble deciding which language is right, this blog might be just for you.  

Java and C++  are popular languages among  newcomers. According to Statista, Java and C++ are used by 30.55%  and 22.42%  of people, respectively. Check out this blog for examples  on the key Difference Between C++ and Java. 

Table of Contents

1) C++ as a language 

2) Java as a language

3)  Features of C++ language

4) Features of Java language

5) Java vs C++: Syntax comparison 

6) C++ or Java, which is the better choice? 

7) Advantages and Disadvantages of C++

8) Advantages and Disadvantages of Java

7) Conclusion 

C++ as a language  

C++ shares a lot of its structure with C while keeping the OOP concept of Simula67. C and Simula were two programming languages used as a reference for creating C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup In 1979.   

Due to its similarities, C++ is compatible with C source codes, with only certain exceptions. This makes C++ a semi-OOP language because it cannot abide by OOP rules. For instance, in an OOP language, normally, an object can’t be declared without declaring a Class first, whereas C++ allows you to declare, print and use an object without a Class.   

C++ supports C programming-based concepts such as Pointer, Structure and Unions. This gives you flexibility as a programmer to approach a program with procedural or Object-Oriented Programming based on your preference. 

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Java as a language  

Green Team created Java at Sun Microsystems in 1991. Their goal was to create a language which could be written once and run anywhere, regardless of the platform. Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which converted Java code to byte codes, made this possible. These byte codes could be compiled and interpreted in any Operating System.   

Java is an OOP-based language that has all the benefits of Object-Oriented Programming. Some such benefits include Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism and Encapsulation. Java has a rigid typing system, with even the Class name of a program and its file name needing to be the same to run successfully.   

Java program is one of the most portable codes in all programming languages. Java code can successfully run on any OS if a system has JVM on  it, making it highly suitable for cross-platform development. 

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Features of C++ language

C++ is a powerful, high-performance programming language notable for its Object-Oriented features, enabling encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. It supports both low-level memory manipulation and high-level abstractions, making it ideal for System or Software Development. C++ offers rich standard libraries, template metaprogramming, and operator overloading, alongside efficient memory management through pointers and references. Given below is a comprehensive list of features:

Simple and user-friendly

C++ stands out as a relatively uncomplicated programming language, building upon the foundation of the C language, enhancing its ease of comprehension and learning. This upgraded version maintains simplicity while offering the capability to create sophisticated games and large-scale projects. 

Its user-friendly syntax and logical structure facilitate quick mastery, especially for those familiar with C. C++ integrates both high-level and low-level functionalities, making it versatile for various applications. More importantly, it also boasts robust standard libraries and efficient memory management, further simplifying development processes. This balance of simplicity and power makes C++ a preferred choice for beginners and experts alike.

Object Oriented Programming

C++ is renowned as an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language, characterised  by key features such as classes, objects, polymorphism, inheritance, encapsulation, and data hiding. These OOP principles facilitate effective problem-solving by organising code around real-world concepts. 

Moreover, the use of classes and objects allows for modular design, making code reusable and reducing redundancy. Polymorphism and inheritance are two more parameters that enable code flexibility and extensibility, allowing new functionalities to be built upon existing ones. 

Further, encapsulation and data hiding enhance security and integrity by restricting direct access to the internal state of objects. These features collectively make C++ a powerful tool for developing complex software systems in a structured and maintainable way, contributing to its widespread use in various applications.

Platform Dependent

C++ is a programming language designed to operate specifically on the operating system where it was developed and compiled. This means that C++ programs are generally not cross-compatible with different operating systems directly. 

However, C++ is considered portable to a certain extent. While it isn't inherently platform-independent, the language allows for adaptability with only minor modifications. This portability means that code written in C++ can be transferred to another operating system with some adjustments, typically related to system-specific features or dependencies. 

More importantly, this characteristic makes C++ a versatile choice for developers, though it requires some consideration when moving between different Operating System environments.

Static Lambda function

In C++, Lambda expressions are a feature that allows the creation of anonymous functions, commonly referred to as lambda functions. These are essentially functions without a name, used for short and concise operations, often passed as arguments to algorithms or used for defining custom operations in-place.

The syntax of a Lambda function is characterised by several components:

1) Capture clause `[capture]`: This part allows the Lambda to capture variables from its surrounding scope. There are several options for capturing: by value, by reference, or a mix of both. Capturing is optional and if nothing is captured, the brackets can be empty.

2) Parameter list `(parameters)`: Similar to regular functions, Lambda functions can accept parameters. These are specified in parentheses. If no parameters are needed, the parentheses can be empty.

3) Mutable specification (optional): By default, Lambda functions are const. If you need to modify the captured variables, you can add the `mutable` keyword after the parameter list.

4) Return type `-> return_type`: This is an optional part where you can explicitly specify the return type of the Lambda. If omitted, the return type is automatically deduced by the compiler based on the return statements in the function body.

5) Function body `{ function_body }`: This is where the actual code of the Lambda function goes. It's enclosed in curly braces and contains the statements that define what the Lambda does.

Lambda functions are particularly useful in scenarios where a simple function is required temporarily, making the code more readable and concise by avoiding the need to define a separate function elsewhere. They are widely used in modern C++ programming, especially with algorithms and functional programming paradigms.

Structured programming language

C++ is a programming language that utilises structured programming, an approach designed to simplify the coding process by breaking down large, intricate programs into smaller, more manageable segments. 

Now such segments, often called ‘functions’ or ‘modules’, are integral parts of more elaborate programs. This method is also known as ‘Modular Programming’. It puts an emphasis on dividing a program into distinct sections, each responsible for a specific task or functionality. 

This segmentation not only makes the program easier to understand and navigate but also simplifies the process of modifying and maintaining the code over time. By compartmentalising complex tasks into individual modules, C++ enables developers to tackle programming challenges in a more organised and efficient manner.

Mid-level programming language

The C++ programming language is designed to be capable of handling and executing both low and high-level programming languages. A mid-level language is essentially a programming language which comprises instructions that are created with the use of symbols like letters, digits and special characters.

Rich library

C++ encompasses a rich library of all the inbuilt functions such as push, pup and more. These libraries are generic in nature and are implementable for any data type. The various libraries are as follows:

a) Vector: A Vector is similar to the structure of a dynamic array which is capable of resizing at the instance of an element’s insertion or deletion. Vectors are structures whose storage can be handled automatically by the container. The elements contained in such a structure are placed in a contiguous form of storage which makes it easier to provide access and traversal with the use of iterators. Moreover, users can insert data into a Vector at the final index position of the structure. Now depending on where in the structure the data insertion occurs, the time taken is different. In C++, ‘std::vector’ is the class template which encompasses the vector’s container and its various member functions. It is typically defined within the header file. 

b) Queue: In C++, a queue is a type of container adaptor, which functions using a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) type of arrangement. Data elements can be inserted at the final index position of the Queue structure and removed or deleted from the first index position (front). These data structures utilise a deque or a list, also referred to as a sequential container class. These classes are the underlying containers which provide a fixed set of member functions for accessing the elements.

c) Stack: Stacks in C++ are another type of container adaptors that operate on the Last-In-First-Out form of execution. In this structure, a new data element is added at one end of and also removed or deleted from the same end only. A Stack basically utilises an encapsulated object that is either a vector or a deque or list. These behave as its foundational containers that provide a specific set of member functions to access its elements. Stacks can be created in C++ by including the header file in the code. The following syntax can be used, ‘template > class stack; The Stack structure is associated with certain key functions such as empty(), size(), top(), pop() and push(g).

d) Sets: In C++, a Set is an associative type of container wherein each element needs to be distinct as they can be identified by their value. Moreover, these values are stored in a unique sorted order which can be either ascending or descending. Further, each element in a set is both the value and the key, and uniqueness is a mandatory trait. Once an element is placed in a set, its value remains constant, although the set allows for the addition and removal of elements. Internally, sets maintain their elements in an ordered state, adhering to a strict weak ordering rule defined by a comparison mechanism. While accessing individual elements in sets might be less efficient compared to unordered_set containers, sets excel in facilitating ordered subset iterations. Commonly, sets are implemented using binary search trees, which support their ordered nature and unique element requirement.

e) Multiset: In C++, `std::multiset` is a type of associative container that holds a collection of sorted objects, where each object is of a specified type, referred to as Key. Distinct from a standard set, `std::multiset` allows the storage of multiple elements that have equivalent values. This sorting is governed by a key comparison function, known as Compare. Further, operations like searching for an element, inserting a new one, or removing existing ones are efficiently executed, typically in logarithmic time complexity. The standard library's use of the Compare function establishes equivalence between elements. Essentially, two objects, `a` and `b`, are deemed equivalent if neither is considered less than the other according to the comparison criteria, meaning both `!comp(a, b)` and `!comp(b, a)` are true. This flexibility in handling equivalent values makes `std::multiset` a versatile tool for managing sorted collections where duplicates are permissible and order is significant.

f) Unordered set: An unordered_set is a type of associative container in C++ that uses a hash table for storage, where keys are hashed into the hash table's indices, ensuring random insertion. The average time complexity for all operations in an unordered_set is O(1), although this can deteriorate to O(n) in the worst-case scenario depending on the hash function used. However, in practical applications, unordered_set typically offers efficient, constant-time performance for lookup operations. This container can store keys of any type, either predefined or user-defined, but each key must be unique. The unordered_set class is a part of the C++ Standard Library and is defined in the header file.

The basic syntax for declaring an unordered_set is: std::unordered_set variableName;

g) Map: Maps are a type of associative container in C++ that store elements based on a key and a value pair. Each element contains a unique key and a corresponding mapped value; no two elements can have the same key.

h) The `std::map` class template, used to create map containers, is defined in the `` header file.

i) Key functions associated with `std::map` include:

- begin(): Provides an iterator to the first element of the map.

- end(): Offers an iterator to the hypothetical element that would follow the last element in the map.

- size(): Returns the total number of elements in the map.

- max_size(): Indicates the maximum number of elements the map can accommodate.

- empty(): Checks if the map is empty.

- insert(keyvalue, mapvalue): Adds a new key-value pair to the map.

- erase(iterator position): Deletes the element at the position indicated by the iterator.

- erase(const g): Removes the element with the key-value 'g' from the map.

- clear(): Eliminates all elements from the map.


Case sensitivity is a feature of C++ which comprises lower case and upper case letters that are read and interpreted as distinct letters or values. E.g. an ‘a’ is not considered the same as ‘A’. Case sensitivity exists in C++ to make the code more readable. It helps Software Developers distinguish between various variables, functions and keywords when the language is case-sensitive in nature. 

More importantly, this feature actually makes it possible to optimise the code structure and prevents any naming conflicts from arising between various identifiers. Further, another reason for the case-sensitivity is to ensure compatibility with the C programming language, which is also case-sensitive. Such compatibility simplifies the transition for C programmers to C++. C++ ultimately becomes a more efficient and efficient programming language with an improved syntax, compatibility and readability.

Dynamic Memory Allocation

Dynamic Memory Allocation in C++ is a features that allows users to grab memory chunks at the runtime. Such memory, referred to as the ‘Heap’ memory helps adapt to the program’s evolving requirements. Dynamic memory allocation basically enables the acquisition of memory during program execution, offering flexibility beyond statically allocated stack memory. 

This "heap" memory acts as a pool of resources for dynamically sized data structures like arrays or objects. Utilising the new operator allocates memory blocks corresponding to data types, while its counterpart, delete, releases them back to the heap after use. Effective management of dynamically allocated memory is crucial. Failure to delete unused blocks leads to "memory leaks," compromising program performance and stability. 

More importantly, Dynamic allocation empowers software by enabling flexible data structures like linked lists and resizable arrays but necessitates responsible stewardship to prevent resource exhaustion and maintain efficient memory utilisation. Approach this powerful tool with the mindset of a meticulous programmer, mindful of your heap management duties.

Templates creation

C++ templates enable generic programming through parameterised types. These act as placeholders within function or class definitions, adaptable to various concrete data types at instantiation. Think of them as abstractions, akin to mathematical formulas accommodating diverse numerical inputs. The compiler generates specialised versions (instantiations) tailored to specific types, reducing code duplication and fostering reusable, type-agnostic algorithms.

Features of Java language

Below are the most vital features that make up the Java language:

Platform independent

Java's foundation and backbone lies in platform independence, empowering developers with the "Write Once, Run Anywhere" (WORA) perspective. The magic unfolds during compilation, where source code transmutes into platform-agnostic bytecode. This intermediate language serves as a universal passport, understood by the omnipresent Java Virtual Machine (JVM). 

Think of the JVM as a polyglot interpreter, adeptly translating bytecode into native instructions comprehensible to the underlying hardware. Moreover, this decoupling from specific platforms enables Java's ubiquitous presence, powering diverse applications from web servers to embedded systems. The WORA philosophy fosters code reusability and simplifies cross-platform development, making Java a cornerstone of enterprise, scientific, and mobile environments. In essence, Java empowers developers to code once and conquer any computing frontier.

Automatic garbage collection

Java implements Automatic Garbage Collection (GC) via the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Unlike C/C++ requiring manual delete, Java employs dedicated algorithms to track object references and reclaim memory associated with unreachable ‘orphaned’ objects. This liberates developers from explicit memory management, mitigating memory leak risks and enhancing code reliability. GC dynamically adapts to program memory needs, optimising memory usage by reclaiming unused blocks and preventing excessive allocations. Consequently, Java simplifies development, improves stability, and optimizes memory usage, making it attractive for diverse software applications.

Object Oriented Programming Language

Java reinforces a robust Object Oriented (OOP) philosophy, permeating its very core with encapsulation, wherein data and behaviour bundled within classes, safeguarding data integrity and promoting modularity. Inheritance allows code reuse and fosters specialisation through subclassing, while polymorphism enables dynamic method dispatch and flexible object interaction. Furthermore, the feature of Abstraction lets developers conceal implementation details, offering a simplified interface for consumers. Data hiding further strengthens encapsulation, restricting unauthorized access and upholding class integrity.


Java empowers developers to leverage the power of Multithreading, enabling concurrent execution of multiple tasks within a single program. This parallel execution optimises resource utilisation, maximising CPU throughput and improving program responsiveness. Now such Threads can operate independently, handling tasks like network I/O or complex calculations while the main program continues execution unhindered. Java offers robust thread management mechanisms, including synchronisation primitives and thread pools, allowing developers to orchestrate thread interactions and prevent data corruption.

Memory Management System

Java safeguards against errors and promotes code robustness through its comprehensive memory management system and stringent static checking mechanisms. Its built-in automatic garbage collection eliminates the perils of manual memory management in languages like C and C++, minimising dangling pointers and memory leaks. More importantly, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) employs sophisticated algorithms to track object references and reclaim memory associated with unreachable objects, ensuring efficient resource utilisation.

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Java vs C++: Syntax comparison 

Java and C++ were both inspired by C, and as a result, they follow a similarity in their programming structure. They both follow the concept of OOP, but their similarities end there. Both languages have evolved very differently and use different syntaxes as a result.   

 Example 1. Write a program, to print “The Knowledge Academy”. 




 using namespace std; 

 int main() 


  cout << "The Knowledge Academy"; 



 import java.util.*; 

 class TKA 


  public static void main(String args[]) 


    System.out.println("The Knowledge Academy"); 




 The Knowledge Academy 

Let's see another program that will show how both languages differ in using Input and Output statements. Once again, C++ could print a statement without declaring a class. 

 Example 2. Write a program, take an input and print a statement. 





 using namespace std; 

 int main()  


    string name; 

    cout << "Enter the input to be printed: "; 

    getline(cin, name); 

    cout << "Welcome to, " << name << "!" << endl; 

    return 0; 

 import java.util.Scanner; 

 public class InputOutput  


    public static void main(String[] args)  


        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; 

        System.out.print("Enter the input to be printed: "); 

        String name = scanner.nextLine(); 

        System.out.println("Welcome to, " + name + "!"); 




 Enter the input to be printed: >>>The Knowledge Academy 
 Welcome to, The Knowledge Academy! 

The largest variation between both languages would be the verbosity of Java. Printing simple outputs in Java is relatively more complex in Java than in C++. Additionally, you would see that despite both languages being OOP-based, the C++ program is not compelled to declare classes. It should be noted that C++ programs can still use classes and use them as a reference if needed.  

 Example 3. Write a program to print a statement by referencing a Class in C++ 


 using namespace std; 

  class TKAClass  



        void greet()  


            cout << "This code used a class in C++" << endl; 



  int main()  


    TKAClass myObject; 


    return 0; 


 Output: This code used a class in C++ 

C++ and Java have similar ways of declaring classes, using access modifiers and objects in those classes. Java files and their classes are closely associated; not declaring a class in a Java program will throw an error. Additionally, your class and file’s name must be the same in Java to compile properly. C++ doesn’t have such a rigid system with file naming methodologies. 

C++ or Java, which is the better choice? 

C++ and Java hold relative similarities but strongly differ in their feats and use cases. C++ has Constructor and Destructor concepts which allow memory management, while Java doesn’t have a Destructor. C++ similarly requires you to check for any run time error as a programmer manually. This isn’t the case with Java programming, as the system will check for runtime errors. Let’s draw a parallel between both languages. 


Use cases 

Java is an excellent choice for cross-platform development across various mediums, such as mobile and computers, and is frequently used for its extensive libraries. This makes Java a great choice for application development-based programming. Such applications made on Java can run on different platforms with minor changes.  

C++ is relatively faster than Java, as its program is converted to binaries and allows it to get immediately compiled. It is much more flexible with its resources and runs close to the system, making it a great choice for System Programming. C++ is frequently used in Game Engine development as well. 

Resource Management  

C++ has the edge over Java with the Garbage Collection method, as C++ allows you to remove objects manually with no further scope. Java has automatic garbage collection, which is built into JVM.   

On the one hand, C++ allows you greater control over resources, but lacking good programming practices makes your program extremely vulnerable. Java’s system-controlled garbage collection allows a programmer to be carefree about Resource Management without risking memory leaks. 

Compiler and Interpreter  

Java and C++ are most distinguished in how a system processes its programs. Java has the advantage of JVM, which allows it to be extremely platform-independent. While C++ is a strictly compiled language where a program is converted to binaries, a system can process it much faster than a Java program.    

Alternatively, the Java program is compiled by the Just in Time (JIT) compiler and interpreter. JVM allows it to trade its speed with portability. Java programs are one of the most portable codes in all programming languages, able to run on all platforms. This java concept is called Write Once Run Anywhere (WORA). 

Which is the better choice? 

Choosing one language over the other in programming isn’t easy because its criteria and features vary. For example, Java’s extensive libraries and flexibility make it a great application development choice. A lot of companies strongly rely on Java to develop multi-platform applications. Some examples of its use cases will be companies like Google and Amazon.  

Java programs do not struggle with issues like platform dependence like C++ does because of JVM-based byte codes. Meanwhile, C++ programs which are created on a particular platform need that very platform when ported to another system. The lack of portability gives Java another point against the C++ language.  

Both languages are roughly similar in terms of OOP-based concepts, but C++ gets the additional points due to its flexible programming structure. C++ doesn’t require your code to declare classes unless you explicitly need it in your program. This allows a programmer to make simpler, lightweight programs. 

C++ has the added benefit of operator overloading, a feature that Java doesn't have. Combined with the simple syntax of C++, this makes it much better for the overall performance of programming languages. C++ is also much more loyal to its predecessor, the C programming language’s syntax. As a result, beginners who know C have a much easier time adapting to C++ than Java.  

All things considered, both languages have their benefits, but C++ is a better choice between the two, especially for beginners. The easier and simpler syntax allows you to learn the concept of OOP and their application more easily. Java is still a valuable choice as it has huge scope in development firms, leaving the decision in your hands and your needs.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of C++ 

Below is a table highlighting the various advantages and disadvantages of C++:




C++ is a compiled language that is designed to be close to the hardware, which makes it a good choice for applications that require a high degree of performance.

C++ is a complex language that requires a steep learning curve, making it more difficult for beginners to learn than some other languages.

C++ gives programmers a high level of control over the hardware and software, allowing them to optimise their code for specific platforms and use low-level features such as pointers and manual memory management.

C++ does not have built-in safety features such as automatic bounds checking or garbage collection, which can make it more prone to errors and security vulnerabilities.

C++ is compatible with a wide range of platforms and operating systems, including Windows, Mac, Linux, and many others.

C++ code is often not portable across different platforms, requiring developers to write and maintain separate versions of their code for each platform.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Java 

Below is a table highlighting the various advantages and disadvantages of Java:



Java code can run on any device with a JVM.

Java code can be slower than native code due to the virtual machine.

Java has built-in security features for network communication and data encryption.

Java offers less control over hardware and software compared to languages like C++.

Java has a large and active community and a robust ecosystem of libraries and tools.

Java's automatic garbage collection can be less efficient than manual memory management.



This brings you to the end of the Difference between C++ and Java blog. Hopefully, you could grasp the traits of both languages, their differences, similarities, use cases, and limitations. This will help you make a more informed choice between Java and C++. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which programming language is better, C++ or Java? faq-arrow

Both C++ and Java shine in different areas. Where C++ offers raw power and control for performance-critical tasks, Java's simplicity and vast ecosystem make it ideal for building web apps and enterprise software. It's not a ‘better’ vs ‘worse’ scenario, but rather choosing the right tool for the job. Consider your project's needs and your own programming goals when making the call.

Is Java Virtual Machine (JVM) written in C++? faq-arrow

While JVM implementations like Oracle's HotSpot leverage C++ heavily, it's not entirely written in it. The core components handle bytecode interpretation and execution, using assembly for optimal performance. Additionally, some parts utilise other languages like Python or even Java itself. So, C++ plays a pivotal role in JVM construction, but it's a collaborative effort involving various languages.

Do Java and C++ provide the same features? faq-arrow

Though they share a common foundation, Java and C++ do diverge with some distinctions. C++ offers low-level power, manual memory management, and intricate features like operator overloading. Java, prioritising developer ease, boasts automatic garbage collection, platform independence, and a focus on secure object-oriented programming. While some core concepts overlap, their strengths and goals differ significantly. Choosing between them depends on your project's needs and desired level of control.

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The Knowledge Academy’s Knowledge Pass, a prepaid voucher, adds another layer of flexibility, allowing course bookings over a 12-month period. Join us on a journey where education knows no bounds.

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