ILM Level 5

accredited by

Our ILM Approved Centre course is accredited by ILM

Online Instructor-led (2 days)

Classroom (2 days)

Online Self-paced (16 hours)

ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management Assessment

ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management Course Outline

Qualification: Award

Credit Value: 12

Module 1: 8607-505 Managing Individual Development

  • Development
  • Psychological Contract
  • Performance Gap Analysis
  • Skills Gap Analysis
  • Performance Measurement
  • Linking Personal Development to Organisational Objectives and Plans
  • PESTLE Analysis - for Planning Development of Individuals
  • Double Loop Learning
  • Performance Assessment and Appraisal
  • Performance Review
  • Actions to Ensure Consistency and Fairness in Performance Appraisal and Systems
  • Training Cycle
  • Individual Training Needs Analysis
  • Learning Styles
  • Performance Improvement Through Training
  • Selecting Appropriate Types of Training and Development
  • Planned and Unplanned Training Activities
  • Feedback as a Developmental Technique
  • Delegation as a Developmental Tool
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Training and Development
  • Training Records
  • Record Keeping Methods
  • Career Planning and Development Strategies
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Lifelong Learning
  • Responsibility for CPD
  • Personal Development Plans – Monitoring Development
  • Learning Objectives
  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Reviewing and Monitoring of Individual Development

Module 2: 8607- 511 Managing Projects in the Organisation

  • What is a Project?
  • Project Environment 
  • Starting a Project 
  • Financial Information – Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Acceptance Criteria 
  • Planning a Project 
  • Planning Tools and Techniques
  • Project Evaluation and Review Technique – Network Diagrams
  • Managing the Project  
  • Developing Yourself as a Project Manager

Module 3: 8607-512 Managing Resources

  • Introduction
  • Equipment – Acquisition and Operation
  • Operating Costs
  • Lean Manufacturing – For Efficient Use of Resources
  • Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
  • Capacity Planning
  • Routine Scheduled Maintenance
  • Ensuring the Security of Equipment
  • Using Equipment Safely
  • Procurement and Purchasing
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Why Do Organisations Carry Stock?
  • Materials – Storage and Handling
  • Management of Queues
  • 4 E’s – Economy, Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Energy
  • Energy Management
  • Planning Resource Improvement Projects

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Who should attend this ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management Course?

The ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management Course is designed for individuals who are in a mid-level management position or aspire to move into such roles. It is suitable for professionals who want to develop their Leadership and Management skills to effectively lead teams, projects, and initiatives. The professionals who can benefit from attending this course include:

  • Human Resources Professionals
  • Department Heads
  • Service Integration Managers
  • Service Delivery Managers
  • Service Architects
  • Process Managers
  • Change Managers

Prerequisites of the ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management Course

There are no formal prerequisites to attend this ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management Training Course.

ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management Course Overview

The ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management is a prestigious qualification designed for middle managers and those aspiring to senior management positions. It focuses on developing essential leadership skills and understanding management practices to enhance organisational performance.

Leadership and Management are essential skills for any manager who wants to run an organisation effectively. The course is particularly beneficial for middle managers, project managers, department heads, and other professionals in leadership roles who aim to refine their management skills, foster a productive work culture

The Knowledge Academy’s 2-day ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management Training, delegates gain in-depth knowledge about managing projects and individual performances. During this training, delegates learn various concepts such as managing individual development, PESTLE analysis, performance measurement, project environment, energy management, operating costs, responsibility for CPD, etc.

Course Objectives

  • To understand and apply the principles of effective Leadership and Management
  • To learn about the methods involved in managing projects in an organisation
  • To understand the significance of managing resources
  • To grasp the concept of Skills Gap analysis and PESTLE analysis
  • To promote continuous improvement
  • To facilitate innovation and change
  • To develop proficient Leaders and Managers

After attending this ILM Level 5 course, delegates learn to impact overall work performance effectively, to develop their skills and experience, improve performance, and prepare for senior management responsibilities. Delegates also become capable of using sustainable management practices for their business successfully.

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What’s included in this ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management Course?

  • ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management Assessment
  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors
  • ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management Certificate 
  • Digital Delegate Pack

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ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management Assessment Information 

  • You'll complete 2000 word written assignments, one for each unit you study.  
  • You'll submit these online and they'll be marked by your ILM tutor.

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accredited by

Our ILM Approved Centre course is accredited by ILM

Online Instructor-led (3 days)

Classroom (3 days)

Online Self-paced (24 hours)

ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management Assessment

ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management Course Outline

Total CV: 18

Unit 1: Managing Information 8607-513

CV: 4

Module 1: Understand the Management of Information Within the Organisation

  • Critically Assess Information Flow Through a Number of Different Channels Within the Organisation
  • Propose Improvements to the Flow of Information Within Your Area of Responsibility, Based on Your Organisational Assessment
  • Information Flows
  • Internet and E-Business

 Module 2: Be Able to Gather and Analyse Information to Make Decisions or Solve Problems in Your Area of Responsibility

  • Collect Information from a Wide Range of Sources to Support Management Decision-Making
  • Analyse the Information Collected from a Wide Variety of Sources, to Inform Decision-Making
  • Records Management
  • Knowledge, Information, and Data
  • Data and Information Analysis
  • Decision-Making Models and Techniques

Module 3: Be Able to Disseminate Information on a Management Decision, Through the Right Organisational Channels

  • Communicate Information to Team Members or Other Colleagues to Meet Business Objectives, Using Appropriate Organisational Channels
  • Communicate Information to Stakeholders or Customers to Meet Business Objectives, Using Appropriate Organisational Channels
  • Internal and External Organisation Communication Channels
  • Communication Strategies to Achieve Business Objectives

Unit 2: Managing Work Analysis 8607-515

CV: 3

Module 4: Understand the Strategic Context and Purpose of Work Analysis

  • How Work Analysis Can Contribute to Continuous Improvement Within Your Organisation?
  • Work Analysis Methods and Techniques Appropriate for a Middle Manager

Module 5: Be Able to Conduct a Work Analysis to Improve Organisational Performance

  • Conduct the Work Analysis in Your Selected Area of Responsibility Using an Appropriate Work Analysis Method or Technique
  • Use the Outcomes of Your Work Analysis to Identify Possible Improvements that Could Be Made to Processes

Module 6: Be Able to Make Decisions Based on Work Analysis Outcomes

  • Use a Formal Decision-Making Technique to Identify the Outcome that is Best Able to Achieve the Strategic Objective
  • Outcome for Possible Consequences for the Organisation

Unit 3: Becoming an Effective Leader 8607-522

CV: 5

Module 7: Understand Own Ability to Fulfil Key Responsibilities of the Leadership Role

  • Evaluate Own Ability to Use a Range of Leadership Styles, in Different Situations and With Different Types of People, to Fulfil the Leadership Role
  • Use Theories of Emotional Intelligence to Review the Effect of Emotions on Own and Others’ Performance
  • Dispersed Leadership

Module 8: Be Able to Evaluate Own Ability to Lead Others

  • Review Own Ability to Set Direction and Communicate this to Others
  • Review Own Ability to Motivate, Delegate and Empower Others
  • Produce a Personal Development Plan to Improve Own Ability to Lead

Unit 4: Managing Risk in the Workplace 8607-403

CV: 3

Module 9: Understand the Importance of Managing Risks in the Workplace

  • Relevant Laws and Legislation Relating to Risk Management in Own Area of Responsibility
  • Internal Policies Relating to the Management of Risk in Own Area of Responsibility
  • Principles of Risk Management

Module 10: Be Able to Identify and Manage Risks in Own Area of Responsibility

  • Risk Assessment Within the Context of Own Workplace
  • How to Minimise Identified Risks in Own Workplace?
  • How Identified Risks Will Be Continuously Monitored and Reviewed?
  • Risk Management Registers
  • Risk Management Planning

Unit 5: Solving Problems by Making Effective Decisions in the Workplace 8607-416

CV: 3

Module 11: Be Able to Analyse a Complex Problem in the Context of the Workplace

  • Complex Problem in the Workplace Including Its Scope and Impact
  • Analyse Information on the Identified Problem, to Help Inform the Decision-Making Process

Module 12: Be Able to Apply Decision Making Techniques When Assessing Possible Solutions

  • Propose a Range of Alternative Solutions to the Problem
  • Using a Decision-Making Technique, Evaluate a Range of Solutions to Identify the Most Appropriate Option

Module 13: Be Able to Plan How You Will Implement the Solution

  • Develop a Detailed Plan for Implementing the Solution
  • Communicate the Plan to Relevant Stakeholders
  • Assess Appropriate Monitoring Techniques to Ensure Successful Implementation of Solution

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Who should attend this ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management Course?

The ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management Course is suitable for anyone who is willing to learn about the key Leadership skills and principles that are applicable across various industries and roles.

Some of the professionals who will benefit from this course are:

  • Managers
  • Team Leaders
  • Project Managers
  • Department Heads
  • Supervisors
  • Human Resources Professionals
  • Information Technology (IT) Managers

Prerequisites of the ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management Course

There are no formal prerequisites for attending this ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management Course. However, some prior experience in Management roles or an equivalent qualification can be beneficial for the delegates.

ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management Course Overview

Leadership and Management are essential skills for a manager to run an organisation effectively. They help individuals make the best decisions, solve problems, and maximise efficiency to accomplish their desired vision. Leadership and Management skills also allow managers to inspire and motivate employees to improve their performance.

This ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management Training Course focuses on providing delegates with the core skills required to work with people, manage themselves, provide direction, facilitate innovation and change, achieve results, and use resources efficiently. The skills gained from this ILM Level 5 Qualification helps delegates to plan and develop strategies for project and organisational success and achieve their organisational goals.

This 3-day ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management Training Course covers all the essential topics by which delegates become familiar with effective Leadership and Management. During this training, they will learn about the importance of performance and engagement in an organisation. They will also learn about emotional intelligence, team development, factors that impact leadership effectiveness, management of stress levels at work, types of managerial actions that cause workplace conflicts, and many more. 

Course Objectives

  • To understand the principles of Leadership and Management
  • To make sound decisions and solve problems
  • To lead and manage change
  • To manage projects effectively
  • To manage resources effectively
  • To comply with health and safety regulations

After attending this ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management Training Course, delegates will be able to fulfil their responsibilities in their Leadership roles and contribute to their organisation's success. They will also be able to apply the theory of motivation to enhance organisational performance.

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What’s included in this ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management Course?

  • ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management Assessment
  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors
  • ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management Certification
  • Digital Delegate Pack

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ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management Assessment Information 

  • You'll complete 2000 word written assignments, one for each unit you study.  
  • You'll submit these online and they'll be marked by your ILM tutor. 

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accredited by

Our ILM Approved Centre course is accredited by ILM

Online Instructor-led (3 days)

Classroom (3 days)

Online Self-paced (24 hours)

ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Assessment

ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Course Outline

TCV: 16

Course Outline

Unit 1: Understanding the Skills, Principles, and Practice of Effective Coaching and Mentoring within an Organisational Context 8588-500

CV: 6

Module 1: Understand the Purpose of Coaching and Mentoring within an Organisational Context

  • Introduction to Coaching and Mentoring
  • Differences Between Mentoring and Coaching
  • Similarities Between Mentoring and Coaching
  • Importance of Coaching and Mentoring
  • Barriers to Coaching and Mentoring
  • Organisational Benefits of Coaching and Mentoring

Module 2: Understand the Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviours Required to be an Effective Coach or Mentor

  • Skills Coaches and Mentors Need
  • Effective Communication for Effective Coaching
  • Coaching and Mentoring Roles
  • Responsibilities of a Coach
  • Responsibilities of a Mentor

Module 3: Understand the Importance of Effective Contracting and Management of the Coaching or Mentoring Process

  • Contracting in Coaching
  • Coaching and Mentoring Processes
  • Implementing Coaching and Mentoring in Organisation
  • Steps in Coaching Process
  • Mentoring Process

Unit 2: Undertaking Effective Coaching or Mentoring within an Organisational Context 8588-501

CV: 5

Module 4: Be Able to Plan and Prepare Effective Coaching or Mentoring within an Organisational Context

  • Set Up a Mentoring Programme
  • Mentoring Programme Design
  • Steps to Start a Mentoring Programme
  • Create a Culture of Coaching

Module 5: Be Able to Undertake and Record at Least 18 Hours of Effective Coaching or Mentoring with a Minimum of 2 and a Maximum of 3 Individuals

  • How Should Coaches Manage Record Keeping?
  • Purpose of Record Keeping
  • Practical Guidelines for Record Keeping
  • Video and Audio Recordings
  • Data Protection
  • Records Access and Security
  • Reflective Practice

Module 6: Be Able to Demonstrate and Evidence Ongoing Reflection and Review of Own Coaching or Mentoring Practice

  • Create Reflection in Coaching
  • Continuous Professional Development Cycle
  • Strategies and Techniques for Mentoring and Coaching
  • Coaching with Feedback
  • Coaching Feedback Model

Unit 3: Reviewing Own Ability as a Coach or Mentor within an Organisational Context 8588-503

CV: 5

Module 7: Be Able to Holistically Review their Ability to Perform Effectively as a Coach or Mentor within an Organisational Context

  • How to Use Mentors for Measurement and Evaluation?
  • Role of Mentors in Employee Performance Evaluation
  • Employee Performance Evaluation Metrics
  • Performance Coaching
  • Evidence-Based Assessment
  • How Do Learners Work Through an Applied Learning Activity?
  • Coaching Models
  • Ethical Behaviour in the Mentee-Mentor Relationship

Module 8: Be Able to Develop a Plan for their Future Professional Development in Coaching or Mentoring

  • SWOT Analysis
    • Importance of SWOT Analysis
    • Write a SWOT Analysis
    • How to Do SWOT Analysis?
  • Personal Development Plan
    • Create a Personal Development Plan
    • Benefits
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
    • Importance
    • Types
    • Recording Development
    • Benefits

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Who should attend this ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Training Course?

The ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Training Course is intended for individuals who want to develop their Coaching and Mentoring skills to a higher level. This ILM Level 5 training is beneficial for these professionals:

  • Managers and Leaders
  • Human Resources Professionals
  • Trainers and Consultants
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Operations Managers
  • Business Development Managers
  • Relationship Managers

Prerequisites of the ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Training Course

There are no formal prerequisites to attend this ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Training Course. However, it is recommended to have some experience in Coaching or Mentoring, or in a related field such as Human Resources.

ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Course Overview

The ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring is an advanced training program designed to equip professionals with the skills needed to provide effective coaching and mentoring within their organisations. This course is particularly relevant in today’s workplace, where the development of individuals and teams is crucial for organisational success.

This course is vital for Managers, HR professionals, and anyone involved in the development of others who seeks to master the art of coaching and mentoring. It is ideal for those looking to enhance their ability to support and develop team members, improve communication and leadership skills, and create a positive impact on their organisation’s culture and performance.

The Knowledge Academy’s 3-day ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Course is structured to provide delegates with a comprehensive understanding of coaching and mentoring principles, models, and techniques. This intensive ILM Level 5 course not only covers theoretical aspects but also emphasises practical application through hands-on practice sessions, role-plays, and feedback mechanisms.

Course Objectives

  • To understand the principles of Coaching and Mentoring
  • To develop the skills to coach and mentor individuals and teams
  • To apply Coaching and Mentoring techniques in a variety of contexts
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of Coaching and Mentoring interventions
  • To contribute to the development of Coaching and Mentoring practice

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What's included in this ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Training Course?

  • ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Assessment
  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors
  • ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Certificate
  • Digital Delegate Pack

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ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Assessment Information 

  • You'll complete 2000 word written assignments, one for each unit you study.  
  • You'll submit these online and they'll be marked by your ILM tutor. 

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accredited by

Our ILM Approved Centre course is accredited by ILM

Online Instructor-led (5 days)

Classroom (5 days)

Online Self-paced (40 hours)

ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management Assessment

ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management

Total CV: 45

Unit 1: Becoming an Effective Leader 8607-522

CV: 5

Module 1: Becoming an Effective Leader

  • Leadership and Management
  • Key Responsibilities of the Leadership Role
  • Empowerment
  • Trust
  • Strategic Leadership: Setting Direction
  • Communicating Organisational Strategy
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
  • Mentoring
  • Influence and Persuasion
  • Negotiating
  • Personal Development as a Leader

Unit 2: Assessing Your Own Leadership Capability and Performance 8607-520

CV: 6

Module 2: Assessing Your Own Leadership Capability and Performance

  • Differentiating Between Leadership and Management
  • Leadership    
  • Leadership Theories    
  • Applying Leadership Theories
  • Leadership Style and Culture
  • Delegation and Empowerment     
  • Leadership Style and Culture      
  • Analysing Culture
  • Applying Theories and Models of Motivation to Your Leadership
  • Drivers of Motivation
  • Leadership and Motivation
  • Delegating for Motivation and Performance
  • Role Design for Motivation
  • Motivating for Star Performance
  • Individual Motivations: Psychological Contract
  • Medal and Mission
  • Motivating with Appraisals 
  • Organisational Vision, Mission Statements, and Objectives
  • Organisational Goals and Objectives – Strategic Plans
  • Managerial Behaviours and Attitudes 
  • Communicating Organisational Values and Goals
  • Communicating Your Goals  
  • Creating Effective and Motivating Working Relationships
  • Trust  
  • Gaining Commitment 

Unit 3: Developing Your Leadership Styles 8607-406

CV: 4

Module 3: Developing Your Leadership Styles

  • Importance of Performance and Engagement in an Organisation
  • Review Own Leadership Styles by Using a Diagnostic
  • Assess the Effectiveness of Leadership Styles
  • Self-Assessment for Leadership Skills
  • Impact of Changes in the Situation on the Effectiveness of the Adopted Style
  • Factors that Impact Leadership Effectiveness
  • Assess Leadership Behaviour in Terms of these Factors
  • Action Plan for Developing Own Leadership Style and Effectiveness
  • Benefits of Implementing the Action Plan
  • How will you Monitor and Evaluate the Action Plan?

Unit 4: Developing and Leading Teams to Achieve Organisational Goals and Objectives 8607-519

CV: 4

Module 4: Developing and Leading Teams to Achieve Organisational Goals and Objectives

  • Organisations
  • Teams
  • Team Development
  • Techniques for Evaluating Team Performance
  • Performance Management and Learning from Experience

Unit 5: Motivating People in the Workplace 8607-415

CV: 2

Module 5: Motivating People in the Workplace

  • Theories of Motivation Relevant to Your Workplace
  • Factors that May Affect Performance and Motivation in the Workplace
  • Select a Theory of Motivation and Apply this to Your Workplace
  • Impact of Applying the Theory of Motivation on Performance

Unit 6: Leading Innovation and Change 8607-504

CV: 5

Module 6: Leading Innovation and Change

  • Change
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • Benefits of Innovation and Change
  • Creating an Environment that Encourages Innovation
  • Identifying, Evaluating Options, and Justifying Improvements
  • Managing Change
  • Planning Change
  • Communicating Change
  • Taking People with You-Leading Change

Unit 7: Managing Resources 8607-512

CV: 4

Module 7: Managing Resources

  • Introduction
  • Equipment – Acquisition and Operation
  • Operating Costs
  • Lean Manufacturing for Efficient Use of Resources
  • Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
  • Capacity Planning
  • Routine Scheduled Maintenance
  • Ensuring the Security of Equipment
  • Using Equipment Safely
  • Procurement and Purchasing
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Why do Organisations Carry Stock?
  • Materials – Storage and Handling
  • Management of Queues
  • 4 E’s – Economy, Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Energy
  • Energy Management
  • Planning Resource Improvement Projects

Unit 8: Managing Stress and Conflict in the Organisation 8607-506

CV: 3

Module 8: Managing Stress and Conflict in the Organisation

  • What is Stress?
  • Minimising Stress Level
  • Susceptibility to Stress
  • Management of Stress Levels at Work
  • Stress Audit and Review
  • Impact of Stress on the Body 
  • Symptoms of Stress
  • Managing Yourself and Others to Reduce Stress
  • Work Life Balance 
  • Time Management
  • Delegation and Its Benefits  
  • Objective Setting
  • Techniques for Stress Release   
  • Counselling    
  • Managing Conflict     
  • Active Listening     
  • Types of Managerial Actions that Cause Workplace Conflicts
  • Employment Policies and Stress      
  • Discipline and Grievance Procedures       
  • Disciplinary Interview        
  • Bullying and Harassment       
  • Records Relating to Grievance or Disciplinary Matters

Unit 9: Managing Meetings 8607-412

CV: 3

Module 9: Managing Meetings

  • Types of Meetings
  • Importance of Meeting at Workplace
  • Purpose of a Meeting
  • Resources Required to Support and Manage the Meetings
  • Who is to be Invited to the Meeting?
  • Information Provided to Meeting Attendees in Advance
  • Areas of Weakness in Own Performance When Managing Meetings
  • Lead a Meeting to Gain Feedback
  • Personal Development Plan to Improve Performance When Managing Meetings
  • Manage Personal Actions from the Meeting to Deadlines
  • Impact of Agreed Actions at the Meeting on the Organisation

Unit 10: Delegating Authority in the Workplace 8607-404

CV: 3

Module 10: Delegating Authority in the Workplace

  • Delegation
  • Evaluate the Benefits of Effective Delegation
  • How Delegation can be Used to Empower Others?
  • Delegation Process
  • Monitor Work that You have Delegated
  • How to Delegate the Task, Based on the Outcomes from Delegated Task and Feedback?
  • How You can Improve Your Own Ability to Delegate and Empower Others?

Unit 11: Solving Problems by Making Effective Decisions in the Workplace 8607-416

CV: 3

Module 11: Solving Problems by Making Effective Decisions in the Workplace

  • Identify the Problem
  • Generate Potential Solutions
  • Make a Decision
  • Implement the Solution

Unit 12: Developing a Culture to Support Innovation and Improvement 8607-427

CV: 3

Module 12: Developing a Culture to Support Innovation and Improvement

  • Importance of Innovation and Improvement
  • Developing a Culture to Support Innovation and Improvement
  • Importance of Assessing Organisational Culture for Innovation and Improvement
  • Developing Strategies and Initiatives for Innovation and Improvement
  • Empowering Employees for Risk-Taking and Experimentation
  • Measuring and Celebrating Success for Reinforcing

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Who should attend this ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management Course?

This ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management Course is tailored for Senior Managers aiming to enhance their leadership skills and knowledge, driving organisational success with strategic insights.

A few of the professionals who will benefit the most from this course are:

  • Senior Managers
  • Department Heads
  • Business Executives
  • Corporate Trainers
  • Corporate Consultants
  • Hospitality Industry Managers
  • Manufacturing Industry Executives

Prerequisites of the ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management Course

There are no formal prerequisites for attending this ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management Course. However, it is beneficial to have some prior managerial experience or an equivalent qualification for the delegates.


ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management Course Overview

ILM (Institution of Leadership and Management) is a professional membership body and awarding organisation that offers a wide range of Leadership and Management qualifications and development programmes designed to enhance leadership skills, improve managerial effectiveness, and promote professional development.

Leadership and Management skills are crucial for the success of individuals in leadership roles and the overall effectiveness of organisations. This ILM Level 5 Qualification helps delegates assess their own leadership capabilities, develop effective leadership styles, and lead teams towards achieving organisational goals. By having these Leadership and Management skills, delegates have an extra opportunity to get a higher rank in their respective organisations.

The Knowledge Academy’s 5-day ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management Course provides delegates with in-depth knowledge about Leadership and Management skills and how to effectively use them. During this ILM Level 5 training, they learn how to develop effective communication skills to articulate organisational strategies. This course will be led by our highly skilled and knowledgeable trainers, who have years of experience in teaching ILM Level 5 Courses and will help delegates get a complete understanding of this course.

Course Objectives

  • To explore the significance of empowerment and trust in effective leadership
  • To learn the role of emotional intelligence in Leadership and Management
  • To apply motivation theories to enhance leadership and team performance
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of different leadership styles in varying situations
  • To select and apply a theory of motivation to your specific workplace
  • To analyse the impact of leadership styles and organisational culture on effectiveness

After completing this course, delegates develop skills for leading teams to achieve organisational goals and objectives. They also learn to manage stress and conflict in organisations.  

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What’s included in this ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management Course?

  • ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management Assessment
  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors
  • ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management Certificate 
  • Digital Delegate Pack 

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ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management Assessment Information 

  • You'll complete 2000 word written assignments, one for each unit you study.  
  • You'll submit these online and they'll be marked by your ILM tutor. 

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accredited by

Our ILM Approved Centre course is accredited by ILM

Online Instructor-led (5 days)

Classroom (5 days)

Online Self-paced (40 hours)

ILM Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Assessment

ILM Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Course Outline

Total CV: 38

Unit 1: Skills, Principles and Practice of Effective Coaching and Mentoring within an Organisational Context 8588-500

CV: 6

Module 1: Understand the Purpose of Coaching and Mentoring within an Organisational Context

  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Organisational Effects on Coaching or Mentoring
  • Benefits for Individuals and Organisations
  • Assess the Impact of Coaching or Mentoring
  • Barriers to Coaching or Mentoring

Module 2: Understand the Skills, Behaviours, Attitudes, Beliefs and Values of an Effective Coach or Mentor

  • Critically Explore the Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviour of an Effective Coach or Mentor
  • Analyse Why Coaches or Mentors Require Effective Communication Skills
  • Review the Responsibilities of the Coach or Mentor to Manage Relationships (Including Values and Power) and Remain Ethical and Non-Judgemental
  • Module 3: Understand the Role of Contracting and the Process to Effectively Coach or Mentor
  • Review a Model or Process Which Should be Followed When Formally Coaching or Mentoring
  • Analyse the Rationale for and the Characteristics of Effective Contracting within Coaching or Mentoring
  • Explain the Necessity of Exploring the Expectations and Boundaries of a Coaching or Mentoring Programme with all Stakeholders

Unit 2: Undertaking an Extended Period of Effective Coaching or Mentoring within an Organisational Context 8588-502

CV: 27

Module 4: Plan and Prepare for Coaching or Mentoring Programmes

  • Plan and Prepare to Deliver a Coaching or Mentoring
  • Identify Individual Developmental Needs
  • Establish a Coaching or Mentoring Contract

Module 5: Undertake Coaching Sessions

  • Complete a Minimum of fifty-four Hours of Coaching or Mentoring
  • Document Goals, Progress, Discussions, and Outcomes
  • Keep Records of Feedback from Supervisors and Clients
  • Maintain Evidence of Ongoing Reflection on Coaching or Mentoring Sessions

Module 6: Reflections on Your Performance as a Coach or Mentor

  • Reflect on Each Session and Identify Key Learning
  • Justify the Tools and Techniques
  • Use Feedback on Effectiveness of Own Coaching or Mentoring
  • Learn Effective Communication Techniques

Unit 3: Reviewing Own Ability as a Coach or Mentor within an Organisational Context 8588-503

CV: 5

Module 7: Be Able to Holistically Review their Ability to Perform Effectively as a Coach or Mentor within an Organisational Context

  • Evaluate the Benefits that Have Been Realised as a Result of the Coaching or Mentoring Undertaken
  • Reflect on their Overall Learning and Development as a Coach or Mentor, Including Communication Techniques of Questioning
  • Conduct a Comprehensive Evidenced Based Assessment of their own Ability as an Effective Coach or Mentor
  • Module 8: Be Able to Develop a Plan for their Future Professional Development in Coaching or Mentoring
  • Produce an in-Depth SWOT Analysis for their Role as a Coach or Mentor
  • Produce a Comprehensive Personal Development Plan, Detailing How this Will Support Own Development in Coaching or Mentoring
  • Explain How They Will Monitor and Evaluate their Own Ongoing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in Relation to Coaching or Mentoring

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Who should attend this ILM Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Training Course?

This ILM Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Training Course is intended for individuals who want to develop advanced Coaching and Mentoring skills. This training course is especially beneficial for:

  • Experienced Coaches and Mentors
  • Experienced Managers and Leaders
  • Human Resource Professionals
  • Educational and Training Professionals
  • Relationship Managers
  • Product Managers
  • Branch Managers

Prerequisites of the ILM Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Training Course

There are no formal prerequisites for this course. However, it is recommended that delegates have some experience in Coaching or Mentoring, or in a related field such as management.

ILM Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Course Overview

Possessing effective Mentoring and Coaching skills is indispensable in a leadership role because it directly impacts the growth and development of team members. A leader who can effectively mentor and coach, helps to unlock the potential of individuals, guiding them through challenges, and providing them with the tools and perspectives needed to succeed.

Moreover, Effective Mentoring and Coaching skills enable leaders to align individual goals with organisational objectives. By offering targeted guidance and feedback, leaders can help team members hone specific skills and competencies that are vital for achieving business outcomes.

This 5-day ILM Level 5 Diploma in Coaching and Mentoring is ideal if you are a manager with significant responsibility for Coaching and Mentoring as part of your day-to-day role. It will also support you if you are planning to move into a development role in your organisation or start a career as a freelance coach and mentor.

Course Objectives

  • To geta critical understanding of the role and responsibilities of a workplace coach and mentor
  • To learn how coaching and mentoring can impact an organisation
  • To beable to assess your own skills, behaviours and knowledge as a coach and mentor
  • To provide evidence of one’s development as a coach and mentor through the ILM Level 5 Qualification
  • To planfurther development
  • To plan,deliver, and review coaching and mentoring in one’sorganisation

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What's included in this ILM Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Training Course?

  • ILM Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Assessment
  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors
  • ILM Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Certificate
  • Digital Delegate Pack

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ILM Level 5 Diploma in Effective Coaching and Mentoring Assessment Information 

  • You'll complete 2000 word written assignments, one for each unit you study.  
  • You'll submit these online and they'll be marked by your ILM tutor.

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Not sure which course to choose?

Speak to a training expert for advice if you are unsure of what course is right for you. Give us a call on 01344767897 or Enquire.

ILM Level 5 FAQs

ILM Level 5 is a Leadership and Management qualification offered by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM), designed to enhance leadership skills and capabilities at a middle management level.
The ILM Level 5 Courses are comprehensive training focusing on leadership and management development, covering topics such as strategic planning, team management, and organizational change.
Yes, pursuing a career in ILM Level 5 can be a rewarding choice, as it equips individuals with valuable leadership skills and opens doors to diverse career opportunities in management roles.
Yes, ILM Level 5 certification is in demand across various industries, as organizations seek skilled leaders and managers to drive business success and navigate complex challenges.
Industries such as business, healthcare, education, hospitality, and finance often require professionals with ILM Level 5 certification to lead teams and manage operations effectively.
Salaries for ILM Level 5 professionals vary depending on factors such as industry, experience, and location, but they generally command competitive pay due to their leadership responsibilities.
The salary range for an ILM Level 5 Professional typically ranges from £30,000 to £60,000 per year, depending on experience, industry, and geographic location.
There are no specific prerequisites, but candidates typically have some experience in a leadership or management role and may hold lower-level management qualifications.
To start a career in ILM Level 5, individuals can enroll in a recognized training program, gain relevant experience, and demonstrate leadership potential in their current roles.
Preparation involves understanding the course curriculum, setting learning goals, and familiarizing oneself with leadership and management principles and practices.
The course enhances leadership skills, boosts career prospects, improves decision-making abilities, and equips individuals to lead high-performing teams.
Yes, the ILM Level 5 Courses is accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM), ensuring high-quality standards and recognition in the industry.
Graduates can pursue roles such as department managers, project managers, team leaders, or business development managers across various sectors.
This course is suitable for aspiring and current middle managers seeking to enhance their leadership and management skills and advance their careers.
There are no formal prerequisites to attend this course.
Key skills include communication, decision-making, problem-solving, strategic thinking, team management, and adaptability to organizational changes.
The course equips individuals with practical leadership and management skills, enhancing career prospects, and preparing them for middle management roles.
Visit The Knowledge Academy’s official website to register for this course.
The best-fit course depends on individual career goals, industry requirements, and preferred learning formats (e.g., classroom-based or online).
Participants will learn about strategic planning, organizational behavior, effective communication, conflict resolution, and performance management.
Topics include leadership theories, organizational culture, change management, project management, and employee development.
Support includes access to instructors, online forums, study groups, and assistance with course-related queries.
Yes, our courses may include practical projects or assignments to apply learned concepts and demonstrate skills.
Yes, upon successful completion of the course and assessments, participants receive a certificate from the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM).
The process typically involves completing all course requirements, passing assessments, and meeting the certification criteria set by the training provider and ILM.
The Knowledge Academy stands out as a prestigious training provider known for its extensive course offerings, expert instructors, adaptable learning formats, and industry recognition. It's a dependable option for those seeking ILM Level 5 Certification Course.
Please see our ILM Level 5 courses available in the United Kingdom
The Knowledge Academy is the Leading global training provider for ILM Level 5.
The training fees for ILM Level 5 in the United Kingdom starts from £2495.
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