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Problem Solving Process

In a business environment, coming across problems is a frequent phenomenon. Therefore, developing Problem Solving Process to solve these problems becomes essential. A systematic approach ensures a positive attitude in resolving them efficiently. The process can integrate unique attributes aligned with your strengths to assist in Problem Solving. 

Thus, understanding how this Process works will enable you to create problem-solving methods suitable to your needs. Want to know how? Read this blog to understand Problem Solving Process in detail, the importance of developing processes and the significance of acquiring this fundamental skill. 

Table of contents 

1)  What is a Problem Solving Process?

2) Steps of Problem Solving Process

3) Benefits of the Problem Solving Process 

4) Creating your process for Problem Solving 

5) Conclusion 

What is a Problem Solving Process?

Problem Solving Process can be defined as an essential analytical skill that enables individuals to identify, analyse, and devise effective solutions to various challenges. It acts as a guiding framework, facilitating logical and systematic approaches to tackle complex issues. After analysing the root causes of problems and evaluating potential options, individuals can make informed decisions and optimise outcomes.  

By focusing on critical thinking and creativity, Problem Solving process fosters adaptability and resilience in the face of adversity. From personal dilemmas to professional difficulties, mastering the Problem Solving Process empowers individuals to navigate through uncertainties and achieve success. 

 Problem Solving Training

Steps of Problem Solving Process

Step 1: Identify the problem 

Initiate the Problem Solving process by visualising the ideal scenario. Define the standard against which the current situation will be measured. Ask critical questions like, "If things were going perfectly, what would that look like?"

Further, determine the acceptable variation from the norm, considering factors like engineering precision or behavioural flexibility. Assess how much deviation is tolerable. This step sets the stage for a clear understanding of the problem's context and the criteria for an optimal outcome.

Step 2: Analyse the problem 

Understand the problem's urgency by identifying its stage: emergent, mature, or crisis. An emergent problem allows time for corrective action without immediate threats. At the same time, a mature problem causes more than minor damage, necessitating quick intervention. A crisis demands immediate correction due to severe repercussions. Thus, evaluating the potential damage guides decision-making and makes sure an appropriate level of urgency is assigned to the problem.

Step 3: Describe the problem 

Craft a concise problem statement in a clear yet short manner. This concise articulation serves as a focal point for the problem-solving effort. Further, distribute the statement to the team for consensus, ensuring everyone involved agrees on the root cause. The critical question to ask here is, "Is your premise correct?" Validating the accuracy of the premise ensures a shared comprehension of the problem.

Step 4: Look for root causes 

This step involves a thorough investigation to uncover the underlying issues and come up with targeted solutions. Delve into the root causes of the problem by asking a series of questions: who, what, when, why, how, and where. You can use the 5Why method or Fishbone Diagram to explore the factors that led to a departure from the set standards. Also, assess the possibility of solving the problem permanently while aligning with effective leadership principles.

Step 5: Develop alternate solutions

This step emphasises the importance of exploring a range of possibilities before committing to a specific course of action. So, generate a list of diverse solutions beyond the initial perspective. Apply the One-third Plus One Rule for consensus-building, involving key stakeholders in the Decision-making Process. Further, rank solutions based on their efficiency, cost, and long-term value. Carefully select the most suitable solution, considering available resources and potential impacts.

Step 6: Implement the solution 

Translate the chosen solution into action by creating an implementation plan. Outline responsibilities, timelines, and contingency measures to ensure a smooth execution. Moreover, clearly communicate team roles and track the solution's progress. This step involves strategic planning and coordination to bring the selected solution to completion. Also, anticipate potential deviations from the plan and establish mechanisms for prompt resolution.

Step 7: Measure the results 

Evaluate the solution's effectiveness by measuring and tracking results. Answer critical questions about its success, learning opportunities, and applicability to future challenges. This step involves a systematic assessment of the outcomes against the desired objectives. Insights gained from this evaluation contribute to continuous improvement and the refinement of Problem-solving Skills. The focus is on deriving meaningful conclusions and utilising them for continuous enhancement.

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Benefits of the Problem-Solving Process 

Developing and implementing a Problem Solving Process brings significant benefits. Listed below are the benefits that develop during this Process: 

Improves analysis 

Individuals develop and refine their analytical skills as they engage in the Problem Solving journey. This involves systematically examining complex situations, breaking them into manageable components, and comprehensively evaluating each element.

Through analysis, individuals gain a deeper understanding of the underlying factors contributing to the problem, leading to more precise and informed Problem Solving and Decision Making. Moreover, Problem Solving encourages individuals to gather relevant data, conduct research, and consider various perspectives. This can help enhance the accuracy and depth of their analysis. 

Improves risk management 

Individuals and teams naturally encounter various challenges and uncertainties as they engage in Problem Solving activities. In response, they learn to identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks associated with different solutions. 

This heightened risk management awareness allows for a more comprehensive evaluation of each proposed solution's possible consequences and likelihood of success. By carefully considering and addressing risks, decision-makers can make more informed and calculated choices, minimising potential adverse outcomes. 

Promotes creative thinking 

The Problem Solving Process serves as a catalyst for promoting creative thinking and unlocking innovative solutions to complex challenges. Individuals and teams engage in Problem Solving activities and are encouraged to explore various ideas and perspectives. 

This fosters divergent thinking, allowing the generation of unconventional and imaginative solutions that may not be initially apparent. By challenging conventional norms and encouraging the exploration of alternative approaches, Problem Solving stimulates the creative faculties of the mind. 

Improves time management 

The Problem Solving Process significantly improves time management by instilling a structured approach to tackling challenges, promoting efficient decision-making, and cultivating a habit of prioritisation and productivity. Individuals and teams can better allocate time and resources as they break down complex problems into manageable steps. 

Moreover, the Process encourages swift evaluation of potential solutions, ensuring timely progress. These skills become ingrained, enabling individuals and teams to meet deadlines and optimise productivity. By embracing this process, individuals can effectively manage time in various aspects of life and work. 

Reduces bias 

The Problem Solving Process offers the invaluable benefit of reducing bias in decision-making. As individuals and teams work through problem-solving activities, they are compelled to approach challenges systematically and objectively. This structured approach encourages considering various perspectives and examining evidence and data without preconceived notions or personal biases. 

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Creating your process for Problem Solving 

Below are the Problem Solving steps that can help you create a suitable process: 

Creating your process for Problem Solving

Evaluate Problem Solving approach 

To create an effective Process for Problem Solving, it is crucial to evaluate the Problem Solving approach. Assess the success of previous solutions, identify areas for improvement, and gather feedback from team members. Further, adjust the Process based on insights gained, fostering continuous improvement and enhancing Problem Solving capabilities. 

Identify your strengths 

When creating a Problem Solving Process, it's essential to identify your strengths. Recognise the skills and expertise within your team and your talents. Leveraging these strengths will enable you to assign tasks effectively and collaborate efficiently. It will also help capitalise on your team's unique abilities to achieve successful Problem Solving outcomes. 

Research strategies for Problem Solving 

To create an effective Problem Solving Process, research feasible strategies is vital. Explore various Problem Solving Techniques, methodologies, and best practices. Consider their applicability to your specific challenges and team dynamics. A well-informed approach ensures you adopt the most suitable strategies to tackle problems efficiently and achieve desired outcomes. 

Encourage feedback 

While creating a Problem Solving Process, it is crucial to encourage feedback. Foster an open and supportive environment for team members to freely share their thoughts and experiences. Valuable insights from diverse perspectives empower continuous improvement, refine Problem Solving strategies, and enhance overall effectiveness in resolving challenges successfully. 

Evaluate your process 

When creating your Problem Solving Process, testing and revising are essential steps. Implement the strategy in real-life scenarios to evaluate its effectiveness. Seek feedback from team members and superiors to examine strengths and areas for improvement. Make necessary adjustments to refine and optimise the process for better Problem Solving outcomes. 

Improve Problem Solving skills 

To create an effective Problem Solving Process, prioritise improving Problem Solving skills. Encourage continuous learning through workshops, training, and skill-building exercises—practice solving diverse problems to gain experience and confidence. By investing in skill development, individuals and teams can enhance their Problem Solving capabilities and achieve better outcomes in challenging situations. 


Developing a well-defined and adaptive Problem Solving Process is crucial for navigating the complexities of life and work successfully. By fostering creativity, promoting collaboration, and continuously refining strategies, individuals and teams can approach challenges confidently and with agility, ultimately leading to improved problem resolution and overall success. 

Unlock your potential with Problem-Solving training; sign up for our Problem Solving Training now!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are two Problem Solving tools? faq-arrow

Choosing the right Problem Solving tool hinges on the nature of issue. Mind mapping, a versatile visual tool, fosters idea generation by illustrating connections between concepts. The Fishbone diagram, on the other hand, systematically identifies potential problem causes. Starting with a horizontal line featuring the problem, branches extend like a fishbone, each representing a probable cause category. Subsequently, specific causes are brainstormed within each category.

What is the 7-diamond Problem Solving Process? faq-arrow

The 7-diamond Problem Solving Process systematically addresses complex issues. The process unfolds through seven diamonds that include the following:

a) Diamond 1: Define the problem

b) Diamond 2: Gather data

c) Diamond 3: Analyse data

d) Diamond 4: Develop hypotheses

e) Diamond 5: Verify hypotheses

f) Diamond 6: Identify Root Cause

g) Diamond 7: Implement Solutions

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