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A Step-by-Step Guide on how to Become an Ethical Hacker

Ethical Hacking plays a vital role in today's rapidly evolving digital society. As technology becomes a more prominent part of our lives every day, the need for Cybersecurity experts to identify and address vulnerabilities has never been more crucial. Thus, for tech enthusiast or people seeking a rewarding Cybersecurity career, learning How to Become an Ethical Hacker can become a vital resource.   

If you want to delve into the world of Ethical Hacking and provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide for those who aspire to become Ethical Hackers, this blog is for you. Furthermore, read this blog to learn How to Become an Ethical Hacker and understand the required skillsets and qualifications. 

Table of Contents 

1) What is Ethical Hacking? 

2) Skillsets required to Become an Ethical Hacker    

3) Qualifications required to become an Ethical Hacker  

4) Practical experience required to Become an Ethical Hacker 

5)Gain familiarity with Ethical Hacking tools and techniques

6) Conclusion

What is Ethical Hacking? 

Ethical Hacking refers to the purposeful identification of vulnerabilities in computer systems. It differs from malicious hacking as it operates within legal boundaries and aims to improve security measures. White Hat Hackers, also known as Ethical Hackers, play a crucial role in safeguarding digital assets by assessing weaknesses, exploiting vulnerabilities, and providing recommendations for enhanced security.    

Their work includes penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, security auditing, and incident response. Ethical Hacking involves legal and ethical considerations, requiring proper authorisation and responsible disclosure. It empowers individuals and organisations to address cyber threats and create a safer online environment proactively. 

Ethical Hacking Training

Skillsets required to Become an Ethical Hacker 

To Become an Ethical Hacker, you need to develop several foundational and technical skills. These skills are vital for an Ethical Hacker to prevent cyber-crimes; some of these necessary skills are as follows:

Skillsets required to Become an Ethical Hacker

Foundational skills  

Foundational skills refer to the basic skills necessary for you to establish a career as an Ethical Hacker. Some of them are as follows:   

1) Problem-solving: Ethical Hacking requires a strong problem-solving mindset to identify vulnerabilities and devise effective solutions.  

2) Critical thinking: Ethical Hackers must think analytically to assess complex systems, identify weaknesses, and exploit them in a controlled manner.  

3) Attention to detail: Paying close attention to details helps Ethical Hackers uncover hidden vulnerabilities that others may miss.  

4) Communication skills: Effective communication is essential for documenting findings, explaining vulnerabilities to stakeholders, and collaborating with teams.  

Technical skills  

Technical skills refer to the basic know-how of the Ethical Hacking industry to establish a career as an Ethical Hacker. Some of them are as follows:     

1) Operating Systems: Gain proficiency in different Operating Systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS, to understand their vulnerabilities and secure them.   

2) Networking: Understand network protocols, routing, subnetting, firewalls, and other networking concepts to assess and protect network infrastructure.  

3) Programming languages: Learn programming languages like Python, Java, and C++ or scripting languages like PowerShell and Bash to automate tasks and create custom tools.  

4) Databases: Familiarise yourself with database management systems like MySQL, Oracle, or MongoDB to identify and mitigate database vulnerabilities.  

Wish to learn How to Become an Ethical Hacker? Try Ethical Hacking Professional Course! 

Qualifications required to become an Ethical Hacker   

Certain educational paths and certifications can help you become an Ethical Hacker. There are benefits to getting qualified in Ethical Hacking certifications and bug bounty programs. Some qualifications are as follows:   

Educational paths 

You can consider pursuing a bachelor's or master's degree in Cybersecurity to comprehensively understand Cybersecurity principles, Network Security, and Ethical Hacking techniques. Additionally, exploring the industry-recognised certifications like Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) covers various domains of Information Security, including Ethical Hacking, and showcases expertise in Cybersecurity Management.   Certifications like this can validate your skills and knowledge in Ethical Hacking. 

Programs and certifications  

Identify whether you want to specialise in Network Security, Web Application Security, or another specific area of Ethical Hacking. You can look for programs and certifications that offer hands-on training, real-world simulations, and practical experience to develop practical skills. Additionally, research the reputation and recognition of educational programs and certifications in Cybersecurity.  

Competitions and bug bounty programs  

Engaging in competitions and bug bounty programs provides hands-on experience in identifying vulnerabilities and applying Ethical Hacking techniques. You should Interact with like-minded professionals in the Cybersecurity community, expanding your professional network. This allows you to receive recognition for your skills and the chance to earn rewards or monetary bounties for responsibly disclosing vulnerabilities in real-world systems. 

Interested in building a career as an Ethical Hacker? Try our CISSP Certification Course! 

Practical experience required to become an Ethical Hacker 

Explore the significance of practical experience in Ethical Hacking and discover various avenues to gain hands-on experience. Additionally, learn about the value of internships, apprenticeships, and entry-level positions in the Cybersecurity industry, along with tips for building a portfolio and impressing potential employers.  

Importance of practical experience:  

Practical experience allows you to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world systems, enhancing your understanding of vulnerabilities and their exploitation.  

1) Developing problem-solving skills: Hands-on experience challenges you to think critically, adapt to different situations, and develop effective strategies for identifying and mitigating security risks.  

2) Demonstrating competence to employers: Practical experience provides tangible evidence of your skills and abilities, giving you a competitive edge in the job market.  

3) Setting up a home lab: Building your lab environment using virtualisation software like VirtualBox or VMware can allow you to simulate real-world scenarios and practice Ethical Hacking techniques.  

4) Participating in Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges: Engaging in CTF challenges on platforms like Hack The Box, OverTheWire, and CTF365 to solve Cybersecurity puzzles can improve your skills, and help you gain practical experience.  

5) Contributing to Open-source projects: By Collaborating on open-source projects focused on security, such as penetration testing frameworks or vulnerability scanning tools, to contribute code, conduct testing, and gain real-world exposure.  

Entry-level experience:  

Seek internship opportunities at Cybersecurity firms, where you can work alongside professionals, gain practical experience, and receive mentorship. Consider apprenticeship programs that provide hands-on training under the guidance of experienced professionals, allowing you to develop practical skills and industry connections. Start your career in entry-level positions like Security Analyst or Junior Penetration Tester, where you can further hone your skills while learning from seasoned professionals.  

Building a portfolio 

Maintain a portfolio showcasing your practical experience, including details of projects, methodologies used, and the results achieved. This allows you to share your insights, experiences, and solutions. Additionally, blog posts or write-ups demonstrating your expertise and thought process to potential employers. You should try to actively participate in bug bounty programs and document your findings and successful vulnerability disclosures, which can add credibility to your portfolio. 

Try our Mastering Metasploit Framework Course and use Metasploit in penetration testing! 

Gain Familiarity with Ethical Hacking tools and techniques  

Exploring commonly used Ethical Hacking tools and techniques is instrumental in identifying vulnerabilities and securing systems. By employing these tools and following Ethical Hacking methodologies, you can proactively identify vulnerabilities and assist in fortifying the security of digital infrastructures.    

Ethical Hacking tools  

Ethical Hacking requires expertise in a certain set of tools. Some such tools you should gain familiarity with are as follows:   

1) Penetration testing frameworks: Tools like Metasploit, Burp Suite, and OWASP SAP provide a comprehensive set of exploits, payloads, and scanners to assess and exploit vulnerabilities in target systems.  

2) Network analysers: Wireshark and tcpdump are used to capture and analyse network traffic, aiding in identifying potential security issues and detecting malicious activities.  

3) Vulnerability scanners: Tools like Nessus, OpenVAS, and Nikto automate the process of scanning systems for known vulnerabilities They help prioritise and remediate security weaknesses.  

4) Password cracking tools: Tools like John the Ripper, Hashcat, and Hydra assist in testing password strength and identifying weak or easily guessable passwords.  

Ethical Hacking methodologies  

Gathering information about the target system using tools like Nmap, Shodan, and Google Dorks is a common methodology among Ethical Hackers. Some similar Ethical Hacking methodologies are as follows: 

1) Scanning: Conduct systematic scanning of target systems and networks using tools like Nmap and Nessus to discover open ports, services, and potential vulnerabilities.  

2) Enumeration: Gather detailed information about target systems, such as user accounts, network shares, or system configurations, using tools like Enum4linux and SNMPWalk.  

3) Exploitation: Utilise appropriate exploits and techniques to gain unauthorised access to systems or networks using tools like Metasploit and Exploit-DB.  

4) Post-exploitation: Maintain access, escalate privileges, and gather additional information from compromised systems using tools like Meterpreter and Empire.  

Ethical principles 

Ensuring you have explicit permission from system owners or clients before performing activities is a key rule of Ethical Hacking. Stay within the scope of authorised targets and adhere to any rules or limitations defined by the client or organisation. Safeguard any sensitive information obtained during testing and follow proper data handling procedures.


Learning How to Become an Ethical Hacker involves understanding the field and familiarising oneself with tools and techniques. As the demand for skilled professionals in Cybersecurity continues to grow, aspiring Ethical Hackers have an opportunity to make a meaningful impact in securing digital systems and networks. Start your journey today and contribute to a safer online world. 

​Try our Ethical Hacking Training and learn to legally bypass the security of systems!

Frequently Asked Questions

What educational background is required to pursue a career in Ethical Hacking? faq-arrow

Individuals typically need a solid educational foundation in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field to start a career as an Ethical Hacker. A bachelor's or master's degree provides the necessary theoretical knowledge in areas such as programming, networking, and cybersecurity.

Where can Ethical Hackers find employment opportunities? faq-arrow

Ethical Hackers, also known as Penetration Testers or White Hat Hackers, find employment in various sectors. They are in demand across industries such as finance, healthcare, technology, and government. Ethical Hacking professionals may work for cybersecurity firms, consulting agencies, or directly for organisations concerned with securing their digital assets.

Additionally, Ethical Hackers may find opportunities within internal security teams of companies, where they play a pivotal role in ensuring the robustness of systems and networks. Some Ethical Hackers also choose to work as independent consultants, providing their expertise to multiple clients.


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What are related to Ethical Hacking courses and blogs provided by The Knowledge Academy? faq-arrow

The Knowledge Academy offers various Ethical Hacking courses including InDesign Course, Adobe Connect, Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe acrobat. These courses cater to different skill levels, providing comprehensive insights into Hacking Skills 

Our Ethical Hacking Blogs covers a range of topics related to Adobe and graphic skills, offering valuable resources, best practices, and industry insights. Whether you are a beginner or looking to advance your App and Web Development skills, The Knowledge Academy's diverse courses and informative blogs have you covered.


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