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How to Use Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is a highly trusted graphic design program used as a visual editor to create vector images. Before jumping on learning How to use Adobe Illustrator, do you know that Adobe Illustrator creates graphics using lines, points and curves, not pixels? This means you can resize the graphics infinitely without losing the quality of the image. Further, read this blog to learn How to use Adobe Illustrator, to create a project, work on objects, and understand the essential tools and features of Illustrator.   

Adobe Illustrator is a powerful and versatile vector graphics editor that has become an industry standard for Graphic Designers, Illustrators, and Artists. Developed by Adobe Inc., Illustrator is part of the Adobe Creative Cloud suite, offering a comprehensive set of tools for creating and editing vector-based artwork. Many people who work with pictures, like artists and designers, use Adobe Illustrator. Read further to learn more about How to use Adobe Illustrator!

Table of Contents 

1) How to get started on Adobe Illustrator? 

2) Understanding the Adobe Illustrator interface 

3) Essential tools to create projects on Adobe Illustrator 

4) Working with Objects in Adobe Illustrator 

5) Understanding Paths and the Pen Tool 

6) Colour and Gradients Tool in Illustrator 

7) Layers and Designs on Adobe Illustrator 

8) Working with Brushes and Symbols 

9) Exporting your work from Adobe Illustrator 

10) Benefits of using Adobe Illustrator 

11) Conclusion  

How to get started on Adobe Illustrator? 

To start your journey on Adobe Illustrator, you will need a paid subscription plan, or you can also use Adobe Illustrator for free with its 7-day free trial plan. You can subscribe to the Creative Cloud subscription or individually to the Adobe Illustrator version CC to get started. Follow these steps to familiarise yourself with Adobe Illustrator: 

Installing and setting up Illustrator. 

Installing Adobe Illustrator is your first step, to begin with, after downloading the software from the official Adobe website. Install the software by following the on-screen instructions. Sign in with your Adobe ID or create a new account if you don't already have one. After installation, you're ready to launch the software. 

Creating a new document 

After launching Adobe Illustrator, the software opens to its workspace, a blank canvas ready for your creative ideas. Go to the "File" menu and select "New" to start a new project. You can define your document's dimensions, units, and colour mode here. Select the purpose of your design – whether it's for print, web, or other media – and choose the appropriate settings.

Creating a new document

Understanding the essential tools 

Adobe Illustrator offers a diverse set of tools that are fundamental to your design process. Familiarise yourself with these tools to manipulate shapes, lines, and objects effectively: 

Selection Tool (V): The default tool for selecting and moving objects. 

Direct Selection Tool (A): Used to choose individual anchor points and paths within objects. 

Shape Tools: Tools like the Rectangle, Ellipse, and Polygon allow you to create basic geometric shapes. 

Pen Tool (P): Essential for creating and editing paths, enabling you to craft intricate designs. 

Type Tool (T): Used to add and manipulate text within your designs. 

Learning how to utilise these basic tools forms the foundation of your proficiency in Adobe Illustrator. 

Register for our Adobe Illustrator Masterclass and unlock a world of creative possibilities! 

Understanding Adobe Illustrator interface 

The Adobe Illustrator interface might need some time to get familiar with. The user-friendly interface offers plenty of options for beginners to advance levels. Some of the main elements of Illustrator’s interface are as follows:

Understanding Adobe Illustrator interface


The Toolbar includes essential tools for creating, editing, and manipulating objects. Each tool serves a specific purpose in your design process, from the Selection Tool to the Shape Tools and more. 

Menu Bar 

The Menu bar provides access to Illustrator's various menus and commands. Here, you'll find options for creating, editing and exporting your designs and customisation settings. 

Control Bar 

The Control bar is located below the Menu bar. The Control bar displays context-sensitive options for the selected tool. This feature enables quick customisation without the need to navigate through menus. 


Panels offer access to features like Layers, Colour, and Swatches. You can organise and customise your workspace by docking panels to specific areas or collapsing them when not in use. 

Essential Tools and Features of Adobe Illustrator 

Adobe Illustrator has various features and tools to produce high-quality results. Some of the most used tools and features of Illustrator are as follows: 

Selection Tools 

Adobe Illustrator offers various selection tools, like the ‘Selection tool’ (V), ‘Direct Selection Tool’ (A), and ‘Group Selection Tool’ (Shift + A). These tools help you to manipulate and edit individual objects, anchor points, and entire groups.

Selection tools

Pen Tool and Bezier curves 

The Pen Tool (P) is the most used tool for creating custom shapes and paths. Bezier curves help create smooth and precise curves by adding and adjusting anchor points and their control handles. 

Shape Tools 

Illustrator provides various shape tools like the ‘Rectangle Tool’ (M), ‘Ellipse Tool’ (L), and ‘Polygon Tool’. These tools allow you to easily create basic shapes, which can be customised and combined to form more complex designs per your requirements. 

Type Tool and working with text 

The ‘Type Tool’ (T) helps you add and edit your designs' text. You can adjust font properties, alignment, spacing, and even convert text into outlines for further customisation. 

Working with Objects in Adobe Illustrator 

You can create and work on different sketches and objects in Illustrator. Here’s how you can use the Object Tool on the Adobe Illustrator: 

Creating Basic Shapes 

Utilise the Shape Tools to quickly create basic geometric forms like rectangles, ellipses, and polygons. These shapes can be combined, modified, and aligned to form more complex designs. 

Manipulating and transforming Objects 

The Transform and Control panels provide options to scale, rotate, skew, and precisely reflect objects. You can also duplicate objects and use the Align and Distribute Tools to arrange them evenly. 

Using the Pathfinder Tool for Complex Shapes 

The Pathfinder panel is a powerful toolset for creating complex shapes by combining or subtracting multiple objects. It lets you create intricate designs with ease. "Minus Front" and "Exclude" allow you to sculpt shapes, cutting away sections to reveal intriguing negative spaces.

Using the pathfinder tool for complex shapes

Grouping and ungrouping objects 

Grouping objects allows you to treat them as a single unit. Use the Group and Ungroup commands to manage and edit multiple objects together or separately. Ungrouping will enhance precision, enabling you to fine-tune details, adjust colours and modify shapes. 

Understanding Paths and the Pen Tool 

The Pen Tool on Adobe Illustrator is the most used feature; it helps you draw lines, curves and pointers in many other ways, as discussed below: 

Drawing and Editing Paths 

With the Pen Tool, you can draw paths by placing anchor points and adjusting their control handles. Click on the canvas to set your first anchor point (starting point of your path) and click again to place another anchor point (ending point of your path). The Illustrator will draw a straight line itself to connect the two points.

Drawing and editing paths

Bezier Curves 

Click to place the first Anchor Point. Instead of releasing the mouse button, drag it in the direction you want the curve to bend. Practice adding, deleting, and adjusting anchor points and handles. Use the Direct Selection Tool (white arrow) to select Anchor Points and adjust their position or control handles.

Bezier curves

Adding and removing Anchor Points 

You can modify paths by adding or removing anchor points. It helps in altering the shape and structure of your designs while maintaining flexibility. 

Creating custom shapes with the Pen Tool 

Place anchor points for straight lines and then, for curves, adjust the control handles to create a smooth transition between line segments and curves. Place the last anchor point directly over the starting point to close your custom shape and transform it into a closed object. The Illustrator will indicate the path as closed.  

Colour and Gradients Tool in Illustrator   

Adobe Illustrator offers a variety of colour and gradient options. You can colour your design to make it more visually appealing. Explore the ability of these tools and create extraordinary art with the help of the following steps. 

Using the Colour Picker  

Use the Colour Picker Tool to select and apply colours accurately. Illustrator offers a wide range of Colours, including Pantone Colours, for print projects and more. 

Using the colour picker

Applying and Editing Gradients 

Gradients add depth and dimension to your designs. Learn to create linear, radial, and freeform gradients, and experiment with opacity and Colour stops. 

Creating Custom Colour Swatches 

Build a library of custom colour swatches to maintain consistency across your designs. Save the colours you frequently use and organise them for easy access. 

Using the Recolour Artwork Tool 

The Recolour Artwork tool lets you experiment with different colour schemes and adjust without manually selecting and changing individual elements.

Layers and designs on Adobe Illustrator

You can add several layers and designs while working on a graphic in Illustrator. The following points will help you understand the Layer and Design Tools in Adobe Illustrator: 

Organising your design with Layers 

Organise and divide your design into logical sections by using layers. Each layer can hold specific elements, making managing and editing your artwork easier.

Organising your design with layers

Locking and hiding Layers 

You can prevent accidental modifications by locking layers in your design. You can also hide layers to focus on specific parts of your design without distractions. 

Adjusting Layer transparency 

Control the transparency of individual layers to achieve desired effects and create overlays in your design. You can set the transparency with the help of the ‘opacity slider’ in the transparency panel.

Adjusting layer transparency

Working with Layer groups 

Grouping the related layers together will help you organise your design further. This is especially useful for complex projects with multiple elements. 

Adding and formatting text 

Utilise the Type Tool to add text to your design. Experiment with fonts, sizes, kerning, and leading to create visually appealing text elements. 

Incorporating images and graphics 

Import raster images or vector graphics into your design using the Place command. Illustrator supports various file formats, allowing you to integrate external elements seamlessly. 

Using the Image Trace Tool for Raster-to-Vector Conversion 

The Image Trace Tool converts raster images into vector paths, which you can edit and manipulate. It is particularly useful for turning hand-drawn sketches into digital artwork.

Using the image trace tool for raster-to-vector conversion

Applying special effects and filters 

Enhance your designs with effects like drop shadows, glows, and blurs. Illustrator's Effects menu provides a range of options to add depth and realism to your artwork. 

Learn to make the best designs and graphics with our Adobe InDesign Masterclass! 

Working with Brushes and Symbols 

Brushes and symbols are among the most powerful tools in Adobe Illustrator, like the Pen Tool. There are different types of brushes like Art Brushes, Bristle Brushes and Pattern Brushes etc. Explore more about the Brush and Symbol Tools below: 

Using the Brush Tool 

The Brush Tool allows you to create unique strokes that resemble traditional art mediums like ink or watercolour - Customise brush settings to achieve the desired effect.

Using the brush tool

Creating and editing your own Brushes 

Build your own custom Brushes for specific design needs. Experiment with different Brush shapes, sizes, and settings to achieve diverse results. 

Using Symbols for efficiency and consistency 

Symbols are reusable elements that can be placed throughout your design. They're perfect for logos, icons, and repetitive design elements that need consistency. 

Exporting your artwork from Adobe Illustrator 

Exporting is an essential tool to share and save files. You can export the image or graphic by saving it in the supported file format. Here’s everything you need to know about exporting your work on Adobe Illustrator. 

Choosing the right file format 

Select a supported file format based on the intended use of your design. Common formats include AI, PDF, EPS, SVG, and more. To open the export screen, click on ‘File’, ‘Export’, and ‘Export for Screens’.

Choosing the right file format

Exporting for print vs. web 

Adjusting the settings like the resolution – to 300 Dots Per Inch (DPI) or higher and colour mode – to CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) while exporting for print or web to ensure your design looks its best in different contexts. 

Adjusting settings for optimal output 

Explore export settings to optimise your design's quality and file size. Balancing these factors is essential for a smooth user experience. While adjusting the setting, remember that - some formats, like JPEG, are excellent for photographs, while others, like PNG, support transparency and sharp graphics. 

Using the Export for Screens feature 

Illustrator's Export for Screens feature simplifies the process of exporting multiple assets in different formats and sizes for various devices. While selecting the right format for exporting the file, you can also Specify the scale at which you want to export your assets. You can choose to export at 1x (actual size), 2x (retina), 3x, or set a custom scale. 

Adobe Illustrator Fills and Strokes 

The Illustrator has two colouring options - Filler Colours and Strokes. If used efficiently, it can turn ordinary art into an extraordinary one. Know more about the Filler and Strokes Tools as we discuss them below:

Adobe Illustrator fills and strokes

Understanding Fills and Strokes 

Fills refer to the interior colour of an object, while strokes pertain to the outline or border. Learning how to manage both effectively allows you to enhance the visual impact of your artwork. 

Working with Gradients 

Gradients add dimension to your designs by blending multiple colours. Illustrator offers linear, radial, and freeform gradients that can be customised to suit your artistic goals. The true magic of gradients lies in customisation. You can set the opacity and transparency to achieve the best results. 

Working with gradients

Adding Strokes to Paths and Shapes 

Strokes can magnify the edges of your shapes and paths. To generate high-quality designs, explore the stroke options such as thickness, alignment, and dashed lines to achieve various effects. 

Register for our Adobe After Effects Masterclass to take your design to the next level. 

Benefits of learning Adobe Illustrator 

Learning Adobe Illustrator can be an incredible addition to your skillset because of its numerous benefits beyond just acquiring design skills. This powerful graphic design software offers a range of advantages, enhancing both your creative abilities and professional opportunities. 

Unlock Creative Potential: Understanding How to use Adobe Illustrator introduces you to a world of limitless creativity. You can bring your artistic illustrations to life through vector graphics, creating quality illustrations, logos, icons, and designs that reflect your unique style. 

Professional Design Skills: Adobe Illustrator equips you with a valuable skill set that is in high demand across industries. Whether you're pursuing a career in graphic design, marketing, or even architecture, knowing How to use Adobe Illustrator? can set you apart and enhance your employability. 

Versatility and Flexibility: Adobe Illustrator is applicable in a wide range of industry work and careers. Illustrator allows you to adapt your skills to various design needs, from print media like brochures and business cards to web design elements and digital illustrations. 

Precise and Scalable Artwork: With Adobe Illustrator vector graphics, your creations become crisp and sharp, regardless of size. This ability to scale designs without compromising quality is beneficial for producing professional-grade graphics for various platforms. 

Industry-Standard Software: Adobe Illustrator is an industry-standard tool which is widely used by professionals worldwide. Learning this software can help you align yourself with a common language of design, enabling smoother collaboration and communication with colleagues and clients. 

Adobe Illustrator


Adobe Illustrator can help you in many ways, from evolving your career to scaling up your business. Its stunning performance and abilities are one of the main reasons for its popularity and growing demand. We hope in this blog, you have learned How to use Adobe Illustrator and its essential features and tools.   

Learn everything about Adobe by registering for our Adobe Training Courses! 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Adobe Illustrator? faq-arrow

Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editor developed by Adobe Inc. It is widely used by graphic designers, artists, and illustrators to create scalable and high-resolution graphics such as logos, icons, drawings, and illustrations. Illustrator is known for its powerful vector editing capabilities, allowing users to create and manipulate designs precisely.

How do you access Adobe Illustrator? faq-arrow

To access Adobe Illustrator, subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe's suite of creative software applications. After subscribing, you can download and install Adobe Illustrator on your computer. Once installed, you can launch the application and begin creating vector-based artwork.

What's the difference between Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop? faq-arrow

While both Illustrator and Photoshop are Adobe Creative Cloud applications, they serve different purposes. Adobe Illustrator is primarily used for creating vector graphics, which are scalable and resolution-independent. It is ideal for designing logos, illustrations, and other graphics. On the other hand, Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor used for editing and manipulating pixel-based images, making it suitable for tasks like photo editing and digital painting.

How easy is it to use Adobe Illustrator? faq-arrow

Adobe Illustrator has a learning curve, especially for beginners. However, with practice and familiarity, users can create vector graphics proficiently. The user interface is intuitive, and Adobe offers a variety of tutorials and resources to help users grasp the fundamentals and advanced features of the software.

Can you work on Illustrator without drawing skills? faq-arrow

Yes, you can work on Adobe Illustrator without advanced drawing skills. Illustrator provides the Pen tool, shapes, and various path manipulation features that allow users to create designs without freehand drawing. Users can also import and trace images using Illustrator's tracing tools. While drawing skills can enhance the creative process, Illustrator caters to a range of users, including those who may not have strong drawing abilities.

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