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What is Lean Six Sigma

Ever feel like your business processes are stuck in a rut? Tasks take longer than expected, bottlenecks emerge, and inefficiencies drain your resources. With the highly competitive business environment today, streamlining operations is no longer optional. That's where Lean Six Sigma comes in! This highly efficient methodology offers a structured approach to process improvement, but What is Lean Six Sigma exactly, and how can it benefit your organisation? 

This comprehensive blog dives deep into What is Lean Six Sigma, providing a roadmap to eliminate waste, minimise errors, and achieve peak operational efficiency. We'll explore the foundational concepts of both Lean and Six Sigma, unpack the Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) cycle, and equip you with the knowledge and tools to transform your business processes. Get ready to unlock the true potential of your organisation with the power of Lean Six Sigma! 

Table of Contents 

1) What is Lean Six Sigma? 

2) History of Lean Six Sigma 

3) Core Principles of Lean Six Sigma  

4) Phases of Lean Six Sigma  

5) Lean Six Sigma Levels 

6) Advantages of Lean Six Sigma  

7) Difference Between Lean Six Sigma and Six Sigma 

8) Conclusion 

What is Lean Six Sigma? 

Lean Six Sigma is a method for operational excellence, that combines the principles of Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma to increase the efficiency of business processes, reduce waste, and improve quality. It integrates the need for eliminating waste and maximising flow in activities with structured frameworks in a quest for perfection and high customer satisfaction. Lean integrates Six Sigma. 

It uses structured frameworks such as DMAIC or Define, Measure, Analyse, Design, and Verify (DMADV). These guide teams in figuring out the real cause of problems and implementing efficient solutions to ensure the improvements are sustainable over time. 

By focusing on data-driven decision-making, continuous process improvement, and customer-oriented thinking, Lean Six Sigma methods help firms streamline operations, boost productivity, and ensure sustainable growth.

Lean Six Sigma Certification 


History of Lean Six Sigma 

The history of Lean Six Sigma traces back to the late 20th century when Motorola pioneered the Six Sigma methodology in the 1980s to improve manufacturing processes and reduce defects. The principles of Lean were developed by Toyota back in the 1950s, emphasising waste reduction and increasing productive efficiency. 

In the 1990s, the fusion of these methodologies became Lean Six Sigma, combining the data-driven approach of Six Sigma with Lean's key focus on eliminating waste. General Electric further popularised Lean Six Sigma under Jack Welch in the late 1990s, driving significant improvements in quality and efficiency. 

Since then, it has been embraced across industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, financial services, and others, as an effective tool for process optimisation, cost reduction, and customer satisfaction. Its evolution continues with ongoing refinements and adaptations to satisfy the evolving needs of modern organisations striving for operational excellence. 

Core Principles of Lean Six Sigma  

Let’s delve into the crucial Lean Six Sigma principles

1) Focus on the Customer 

A strong commitment to meeting and understanding customer needs and expectations form the base of Lean Six Sigma. Prioritising customer satisfaction allows an organisation to position its processes and initiatives in a way that deliver great value and enrich the overall customer experience. 

2) Measure the Value Stream and Find Your Problem 

Lean Six Sigma preaches an approach to process improvement that is exhaustive and entails measuring every aspect of the entire value stream. An organisation can, therefore, identify inefficiency, waste, and areas that may require improvement from the measure of every activity with great scrutiny within the process. 

3) Remove Waste to Create a Flow 

Central to the Lean Six Sigma philosophy is the idea of removing waste to make processes flow and value streams as uninterrupted as possible. This is how organisations increase their productivity, minimise their cost, and enhance their efficiency by eliminating bottlenecks, delays, and steps that do not add value. 

4) Eliminate Variations 

Process variation can result in inconsistency, defects, and waste. Reducing variation is the Lean Six Sigma approach, which focuses on creating stable and well-controlled processes that bring predictable and reliable results. 

5) Undertake Improvements in a Systematic Process   

Lean Six Sigma systematically approaches improvement and embraces improvement models like DMAIC, which stands for Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control. It ensures methodical changes driven by data, thereby fostering sustainable outcomes and continuous improvement. 

6) Equip People in Processes 

This is where Lean Six Sigma addresses the importance of training, empowerment, and engagement in an organisation at every level since it is all about the people operating the processes. Organisations can harness the pooled expertise and creativity of their workforce towards innovation and improvement if they inculcate a culture of continuous learning and participation. 

7) Understand the Real Workflow   

Lean Six Sigma endeavours to enable organisations to perceive their operational workflow and processes at a profound level by delving beyond surface appearances that may be redundant. By scrutinising underlying dynamics and nuances, it unveils hidden opportunities, addresses root causes of issues, and leverages informed decisions as catalysts for driving substantial change and enhancement. 

Enhance your process improvement techniques with our Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Course - join today! 

Phases of Lean Six Sigma  

The Lean Six Sigma methodology comprises five critical phases, each designed to guide organisations through the process of improving their operations:


It starts with aligning clearly defined project goals and defining the scope of the improvement initiative. Key activities within this step include identifying the project's purpose, stakeholders, and deliverables, and clearly defining the requirements and expectations of the customer. A clearly defined problem and the project's desired outcomes help connect the project with the strategic purposes of the organisation. By doing so, it provides a solid foundation for an effective improvement endeavour. 


This phase involves the collection of data and assessment of the current state of the process. It includes identifying relevant metrics, developing measurement systems, and collecting data that describes performance quantitatively. This measurement establishes a clear baseline, giving an objective understanding of process capability and identifying the areas that require improvement. 


In the analyse stage, the collected data is examined to dig deep into the root causes of inefficiencies and defects. Teams analyse the data sets with the help of various statistical tools and methods to find patterns, trends, and correlations that may reveal underlying issues with process performance. This way, the organisation can understand process dynamics more clearly and pinpoint specific areas for improvement. 


The attention in this phase shifts to resolving the identified issues and meeting process improvement goals. This often involves generating and evaluating potential solutions, selecting the best, and then piloting or fully implementing changes in the process. There is systematic testing and implementation of these improvements aimed at optimising process performance, enhancing efficiency, and delivering measurable benefits to stakeholders. 


The final phase ensures that the improvements achieved are sustainable over time and prevent regression. This is done by developing control plans, instituting continuous performance measurements, and setting up monitoring systems that constantly track process performance. These measures allow for easy standardisation of improvements, quick detection and resolution of new problems, and lasting benefits from the Lean Six Sigma efforts. 

Master your problem-solving skills with our Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Course - register today! 

Lean Six Sigma Levels 

The Lean Six Sigma methodology comprises a progression of skill levels, each tailored to different degrees of proficiency and responsibility in process improvement: 



Key Activities 


Identify the problem and project goals 

Define project scope, objectives, and deliverables; identify stakeholders 


Collect data and establish baselines 

Gather data on current process performance, map the process, and identify key metrics 


Identify root causes of the problem 

Conduct root cause analysis, identify gaps and inefficiencies by using statistical tools 


Develop and implement solutions 

Generate improvement ideas, pilot solutions, implement changes, and optimise processes 


Sustain the improvements and ensure continued success 

Develop control plans, monitor process performance, and standardise solutions 


Lean Six Sigma White Belt 

This is a rudimentary level of awareness that covers the basic principles of Lean Six Sigma, processes of improvement, focusing on waste removal, and the customer. Such participants typically go through support work with more seasoned practitioners within their respective organisations, working on projects by contributing to them and providing help. 

Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt 

This level provides deeper coverage of tools and concepts compared to the White Belt level. The training at this level covers topics such as process mapping, data collection, and basic statistical analysis. Yellow Belts are often front-line employees who actively contribute to improvement projects and collaborate with leaders who are Green or Black Belts to implement the necessary improvements. 

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt 

This is the capability level where a practitioner receives more comprehensive training in Lean Six Sigma methodologies, including statistical analysis and Project Management. Green Belts run improvement projects independently, from defining the project scope to implementing solutions and measuring results. They normally balance this role with their usual job responsibilities, dedicating part of their time to process improvement. 

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt 

This is the highest certification level within the Lean Six Sigma framework. Black Belts receive intensive training in advanced statistical analysis and leadership skills to lead complex improvement projects, mentor Green and Yellow Belts, and drive organisational change. Black Belts are expected to deliver significant business results and sustainable improvements while fostering a culture of operational excellence. 

Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt 

At the peak of the Lean Six Sigma skillset are Master Black Belts. These individuals possess extensive experience and are strategic thinkers and leaders. They mentor Black Belts and guide senior leadership in overseeing strategic initiatives to meet business objectives. They also play a crucial role in shaping organisational strategy, ensuring continuous improvement in enterprise performance. 

Become the driving force behind organisational excellence with our Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Certification – join us now! 

Advantages of Lean Six Sigma  

Here are some essential benefits of Lean Six Sigma

Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity 

Lean Six Sigma concentrates on refining procedures, eradicating superfluous elements, and enhancing workflows besides culminating in augmented efficiency and productivity. By pinpointing and excising non-value-adding activities, organisations can truncate cycle durations, amplify throughout, and attain superior output with extant resources. This augmented efficiency empowers employees to operate more proficiently by liberating time and resources to prioritise value-adding endeavours and strategic ventures. 

Elevated Quality Standards 

A cardinal objective of Lean Six Sigma is to elevate quality by diminishing defects and process variability. By implementing rigorous process controls, standardising procedures, and continuously improving, organisations can achieve higher quality standards and consistently exceed customer expectations. Enhanced quality bolsters customer satisfaction, curtails rework, scrap, and warranty expenses, thereby augmenting profitability and market competitiveness. 

Cost Reduction  

Lean Six Sigma initiatives often result in notable cost reductions via waste abatement, process refinement, and efficiency enhancements. By abolishing redundant steps, minimising inventory, and optimising resource deployment, organisations can lower operating costs, improve profit margins, and bolster profitability. Cost savings may also ensue from diminished rework, fewer defects, and reduced warranty claims, leading to enhanced financial performance and long-term sustainability. 

Heightened Customer Satisfaction 

Lean Six Sigma strongly promotes understanding of customer needs and requisites. Through superior quality, reliability, and responsiveness, an organisation can secure customer gratification and loyalty, engendering repeat business, word-of-mouth referrals, and an expanding market share. Contented customers are more inclined to stay loyal, engage in recurrent purchases, and champion the brand. This, in turn, contributes to the enduring prosperity and expansion of the business. 

Difference Between Lean Six Sigma and Six Sigma 

Lean Six Sigma are approaches to process improvement. Six Sigma is a strategy driven by data that seeks to reduce defects and variation in processes. It identifies and eliminates the underlying causes of errors by using statistical analysis, and its target is close to perfection (3.4 defects per million opportunities). In contrast, Lean focuses on ridding the process of waste and streamlining workflow. It is focused on the customer's value and eliminating anything that does not add value to the process.

Belt Level 


Skills and Knowledge 


White Belt 

Entry-level participants 

Basic Lean Six Sigma concepts 

Support project teams, understand basic terminology 

Yellow Belt 

Team members, project contributors 

Fundamental problem-solving tools, basic DMAIC methodology 

Participate in projects, assist with data collection 

Green Belt 

Project leaders, team members 

Intermediate Lean Six Sigma tools, in-depth DMAIC knowledge 

Lead smaller projects, support Black Belts on larger projects 

Black Belt 

Project managers, team leaders 

Advanced Lean Six Sigma techniques, statistical analysis 

Lead complex projects, mentor Green and Yellow Belts 

Master Black Belt 

Senior leaders, strategic planners 

Expert in Lean Six Sigma, organisational change management 

Oversee Lean Six Sigma strategy, mentor Black Belts 



Armed with this knowledge of What is Lean Six Sigma, you're ready to revolutionise your business. By combining the principles of Lean manufacturing and Six Sigma quality management, businesses can streamline processes, reduce waste, and achieve higher levels of quality and customer satisfaction.  

Improve your organisational efficiency through our Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Course - join today! 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the aim of Lean & Six Sigma? faq-arrow

Lean & Six Sigma aims to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and enhance quality in various industries by integrating the principles of Lean manufacturing with the structured, data-driven approach of Six Sigma. 

What are the 5 Lean Principles? faq-arrow

The 5 Lean principles are designed to optimise value creation and eliminate waste. They focus on understanding customer value, streamlining processes, ensuring smooth workflow, responding to demand, and striving for continuouPs improvement. 

What are the Lean Six Sigma Methodologies? faq-arrow


Lean Six Sigma methodologies combine Lean’s focus on minimising waste with Six Sigma’s emphasis on reducing defects and process variability. It uses tools like DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control) and DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyse, Design, Verify) to guide teams in improving processes. 

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The Knowledge Academy takes global learning to new heights, offering over 30,000 online courses across 490+ locations in 220 countries. This expansive reach ensures accessibility and convenience for learners worldwide. 

Alongside our diverse Online Course Catalogue, encompassing 17 major categories, we go the extra mile by providing a plethora of free educational Online Resources like News updates, Blogs, videos, webinars, and interview questions. Tailoring learning experiences further, professionals can maximise value with customisable Course Bundles of TKA. 

What is The Knowledge Pass, and How Does it Work? faq-arrow

The Knowledge Academy’s Knowledge Pass, a prepaid voucher, adds another layer of flexibility, allowing course bookings over a 12-month period. Join us on a journey where education knows no bounds. 

What are Related Courses and Blogs Provided by The Knowledge Academy? faq-arrow

The Knowledge Academy offers various Lean Six Sigma Certification Training, including Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Course, Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Course and Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Course. These courses cater to different skill levels, providing comprehensive insights into Six Sigma Belts. 

Our Business Improvement Blogs cover a range of topics related to Lean Six Sigma, offering valuable resources, best practices, and industry insights. Whether you are a beginner or looking to advance your Lean Six Sigma skills, The Knowledge Academy's diverse courses and informative blogs have you covered. 

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