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Top Key Benefits of DevOps for Business

DevOps, as the word suggests, combines the words “Development” and “Operations”. It is a set of practices that integrates and automates software development, improving an organisation’s development life cycle. In simpler terms, it is a framework or methodology that combines development with operations in all stages of application development. Benefits of DevOps are endless, making the methodology integral for a business to survive in today’s rapidly changing ecosystem.  

According to the 2020 DevOps Trends Survey, 99% of the sample audience agreed that the methodology had had an efficient impact on their organisations. The framework amalgamates development and operations, helping an organisation improve its efficiency and security of software development compared to traditional processes. A speedier and more efficient application development process ensures businesses an advantage over their competitors. 

This blog will give you a clear idea about the Benefits of DevOps and will help you learn how the framework can improve your organisation.  

Table of Contents 

1) Why should you use DevOps? 

2) What are the Benefits of DevOps? 

a) Quick delivery leads to better customer satisfaction 

b) Automation saves time and promotes innovatio

c) Breaks down silos and communication barriers 

d) Technological innovation leads to digital transformation 

e) Increased productivity of the organisation 

f) Improved customer experience and satisfaction 

g) Smooth functioning of the organisation 

h) Lowered cost of production and maintenance 

i) Better return on investment of data 

j) Increased security and compliance  

3) How will DevOps improve your organisation? 

4) Conclusion 

Why should you use DevOps? 

In the traditional software industry, teams such as development, IT and operations would work in isolation. However, an organisation must keep adapting to the latest innovations in this competitive business ecosystem to beat the competition. A great way to ensure an organisation is updated with the current trends is to adopt a framework such as DevOps.  

The framework along with its various DevOps services is known to have several benefits that improve an organisation's effectiveness and efficiency. The methodology encourages quicker and better software development and faster delivery of services to the customer. This methodology ensures more effective communication and transparency between the software development teams (Dev) and the IT operations team (Ops).    

By properly implementing the framework, an organisation ensures improved customer satisfaction and quick delivery of services. Not only does it guarantee speedier service, but it also helps in creating a more stable operating environment. Greater automation ensures better innovation, leading to a higher quality of software produced at a much higher frequency

DevOps Training

What are the Benefits of DevOps? 

Further we will discuss the various DevOps benefits for business: 

Quicker delivery leads to better customer satisfaction 

The framework, first and foremost, guarantees a much quicker delivery of services. Faster delivery of an organisation’s services would not only lead to customer satisfaction but will also enhance the organisation’s reputation. An enhanced reputation in the market helps the company stay ahead of the competition. An agile software development process helps an organisation have the upper hand over their competitors in the industry, and the methodology helps achieve it.   

Automation saves time and promotes innovation 

The element of automation in the framework helps it save ample time and effort when it comes to repetitive tasks. A manual approach towards test and review cycles slows production, increases operating costs and hampers momentum. The methodology benefits organisations more than traditional processes because of its agility and efficiency in fixing problems. It also promotes innovation as the individuals in the organisation can focus on innovation instead of repetitive tasks, resulting in a higher quality of content. 

Breaks down silos and communication barriers 

DevOps also helps an organisation to eliminate IT silos. The framework has eradicated the linear working of a traditional IT team, where a team completes a set of tasks and then passes it on to the next team. On the contrary, it offers a flexible outlook for development which works towards better functioning. Its automated nature also breaks down any communication barriers among members of a large organisation. Eradicating these barriers ensures rapid development within the company, including much faster delivery of services. Better communication and collaboration between the members of an organisation eventually help in the development of the organisation. 

Technological innovation leads to digital transformation 

The rapidly evolving technology implemented in businesses around the world is what has driven this methodology to be prevalent. The character of the framework is built on innovation as it moves away from the traditional silos-based organisations. The digital services provided by the framework cut down a lot of effort and expenditure, which can be put to work in other avenues. Not only that, but they also enhance the customer’s experience – all of which eventually lead to digital transformation. 

Increased productivity of the organisation 

In the modern business ecosystem, role-based demarcations in a team are inching towards extinction. A faster, more transparent and efficient software development process means the organisation will likely experience higher productivity. With the elimination of silos and communication barriers, the framework promotes collaboration, resulting in better synchronisation amongst members. Better synchronisation, in turn, results in increased productivity and improved efficiency, helping the organisation's betterment. 

Improved customer experience and satisfaction 

The customers' content is guaranteed, with the services being provided to the customers much quicker than in traditional fashion. The methodology helps an organisation improve its customer experience and satisfaction, which in turn, helps the organisation steer clear of the competition. Better customer satisfaction also helps in improved revenue and helps strengthen an organisation’s engagement with its customer base. 

Benefits of DevOps in Business

Smooth functioning of the organisation 

The framework helps ensure an optimised and streamlined working of the organisation. It ensures that there is no gulf between the development and operations teams, amalgamating both into a single unit. With all the workers in a team on the same page, the work is more streamlined than it would be traditionally. A strong connection between the development and operations teams makes work much smoother and more organised. The steady and well-balanced methodology also stabilises the work environment in an organisation. 

Lowered cost of production and maintenance 

When appropriately implemented, the framework helps cut down production costs of the departments in the organisation. With an automated focus, the methodology helps prevent bugs from causing trouble that would be difficult to eradicate in later stages. Continuous monitoring through the framework detects defects which usually cost an excessive amount to get rid of. This benefit helps an organisation avoid unnecessary expenditure, resulting in increased profit and securing an edge over competitors. 

Better return on Investment of Data 

The framework also helps in an improved return on investment of data. Their automated approach helps recognise the value of data and helps organisations convert data into an improved profit. The methodology helps organisations save a lot of time and money, which improves a business's profitability. It also helps cut down an organisation's management and production costs, as it unites the different departments in more ways than one. 

Increased security and compliance 

Finally, it can also improve security and compliance in an organisation. The methodology ensures that software teams meet regulatory standards and are more secure against cyber threats. This I achieved+ by integrating security and compliance requirements into the development process. This element of the framework cuts down the risk of breached security, making an organisation's resources much more secure. 

Learn from certified DevOps experts by signing up for our Certified Agile DevOps Professional (CADOP) Course! 

How will DevOps improve your organisation? 

Given all the Benefits of DevOps skills and the framework is rapidly gaining a reputation as a transformative philosophy. Irrespective of your business's industry, the methodology will provide you with the benefits mentioned above and more. Another characteristic that adds to its versatility is that it provides a different set of Benefits for the various stakeholders of an organisation.    

For an IT manager, the methodology will help achieve a lower volume of defects and cost of investment and improved software performance. It will also help an IT manager improve Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR), improving procedural and technological metrics. As a Chief Technical Officer (CTO), it helps attain individual improvement, better flexibility and improved engagement among team members. 

Want to know how DevOps can secure your organisation? Sign up for our Certified DevOps Security Professional (CDSOP) course today! 


All in all, the Benefits of DevOps have made it easy for organisations to bridge the gap between the development and operations teams. A much smoother collaborative relationship between the teams ensures quicker application development and faster delivery of services. Teams that use the framework get work done quicker and streamlined while improving transparency amongst members in the organisation.  

The fast delivery of digital services and quality is indispensable in any business, especially in the current ecosystem. Therefore, the framework is extremely integral for a modern organisation to ensure they do not fall behind its competitors. With organisations rapidly evolving according to the latest innovations, adopting DevOps would ensure your organisation maintains a competitive edge in the industry.   

Become an expert in Kubernetes for DevOps by joining our Kubernetes Training for DevOps Course! 

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