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ISO 27001 2022 Latest Version

The latest version of ISO 27001 is ISO/IEC 27001 2022, and it has been updated as of October 2022. It is an international standard that contains requirements used for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an Information Security Management System (ISMS). 

The 2022 version of ISO 27001 is a significant update that organisations should consider implementing to improve their Information Security posture. In this blog, you will learn about ISO 27001 2022, its latest version, its importance and how it is different than the previous versions. Read below to learn more! 

Table of Contents 

1) What’s new in ISO 27001 2022? 

3) How can you prepare for ISO 27001 2022?

4) What changes have been made in ISO 27001 over the years?

5) What is the importance of ISO 27001 2022?

6)Impact of ISO/IEC 27001 Certification on existing certification(s)


What’s new in ISO 27001 2022?

These are just some of the key changes in the latest version of ISO 27001 2022. If your organisation is presently certified to ISO 27001 2013, you have a transition period of 3 years to migrate to the new standard. During this time, you can continue to operate under the 2013 version of the standard, but you should start planning your migration to the 2022 version. After the given time frame, your ISO 27001 2013 Certification will expire.

Risk-based approach to security controls  

The updated ISO 27001 Standard necessitates organizations to adopt a risk-based approach when choosing and proficiently implementing ISO 27001 controls for security. This means that organisations need to identify and assess the risks to their important information assets and then implement controls that are proportionate to those risks. 

Enhanced focus on cybersecurity and privacy  

The new ISO 27001 benefits has an enhanced focus on cybersecurity and privacy. This is reflected in the updated title of the standard, as well as in the new ISO 27001 Requirements for organisations to protect against cyberattacks and to safeguard personal data. 

Greater emphasis on continual improvement  

The key features of ISO 27001 places a greater emphasis on continual improvement. This means that organisations need to continuously monitor and improve their ISMS to ensure that it remains effective in protecting their information assets. 

Restructured Annex A 

Annex A of the ISO 27001 Checklist, which lists the specific security controls that organisations need to implement, has been restructured to make it easier to use and to reflect the risk-based approach of the new standard. 

New requirements for Change Management 

The new ISO 27001 Framework includes new requirements for Change Management, which is the process of managing changes to the organisation's ISMS. This is important to ensure that changes are made in a controlled and secure manner. 

New requirements for supplier risk management  

The new ISO 27001 Standard includes new requirements for supplier risk management, which is the process of managing the risks posed by the organisation's suppliers. This is important to ensure that the organisation's suppliers do not pose a security risk to the organisation's information assets.

ISO 27001 Training

How can you prepare for ISO 27001 2022?

Preparing for any change can be difficult. However, to make the transition smooth, both the employees and the organisation need to understand the new changes in the updated version. Familiarising them with the updated changes help them understand if these are applicable to their organisation. 

If you want to know if these changes are applicable in your organisation or not, then you need to use the similar perspective that you used while drafting the scope of Information Security Management System (ISMS). This new scope will help you to understand the applicability of the new changes of ISO 27001. If the updated changes are applicable, then the employees can start implementing the changes.

Equip your team with essential ISO 27001 expertise. Register for our ISO 27001 Certification today!

What changes have been made in ISO 27001 over the years?

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was developed so that organisations could maintain proprietary, industrial and commercial standards. Within these standards, one such standard is ISO 27001. ISO 27001 has existed since the ‘90s, and has been undergoing changes ever since.

The ISO/IEC 27001 2005 Information Security Management System (ISMS) specification was updated, and this updated version comprised of policies and procedures. These procedures included physical, legal and technical controls, which helped companies carry out information and Risk Management.

The major change done in ISO 2013 version was that the entities were called on to create an inventory of assets. The other change in this version was – the items had to go on the Statement of Applicability, which were presented as a list. 

ISO 27001 had two major changes in 2017. However, those changes were quite minor. ISO 27001 was accepted at the EU level 2017. This acceptance led to the inclusion of the letters “EN” in “BS EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017”. Also, in this 2017 version, the information was specifically named as asset, unlike in 2013. In the 2017 ISO 27001 Standard, the items were presented as a series of four bullet points. 

The points which remained unchanged in both the 2013 and 2017 versions were:

a) The necessary controls

b) The justification for their inclusion

c) Understanding whether the necessary controls were implemented or not

The justification of any exclusions done in Annex A controls.

The ISO 27001 Standards are reviewed every five years. However, the changes done in 2013,2017, were quite minor. The framework is continuously improved so that organisations can cater to these frameworks and maintain their regular business operations.

Gain the skills to ensure data protection and compliance and thriving career in this field with our ISO 27001 Lead Auditor training. 

What is the importance of ISO 27001 2022?

ISO 27001 2022 is an important standard that can help organisations protect their information assets, meet regulatory requirements, gain customer trust, reduce the risk of cyberattacks, improve business continuity, and gain a competitive advantage. 

a) Protect information assets: ISO 27001 2022 helps organisations to protect their valuable information assets from unauthorised access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction. 

b) Meet regulatory requirements: Many industries are required to comply with certain regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). ISO 27001 2022 can help organisations demonstrate compliance with these regulations. 

c) Gain customer trust: Customers are increasingly demanding that organisations must protect their personal information. ISO 27001 2022 can help organisations build customer trust by demonstrating their commitment to information security. 

d) Reduce risk of cyberattacks: Cyberattacks are becoming more common and more sophisticated. ISO 27001 2022 can help organisations reduce the risk of cyberattacks by implementing appropriate ISO 27001 Physical Security controls.

e) Improve business continuity: ISO 27001 2022 can help organisations improve their business continuity by ensuring that they have the necessary processes and procedures in place to recover from a security incident. 

f) Gain a competitive advantage: Organisations that implement ISO 27001 2022 can gain a competitive advantage by demonstrating their commitment to Information Security. 

Impact of ISO/IEC 27001 Certification on existing certification(s)

If organisations are using ISO 27001 2013 version, it has a three-year gap until which it will not expire. After three years, the certification will lose it value. To avoid this, organisations must upgrade to their latest version. Depending on the scope of ISMS, organisations may need to implement new changes and controls as per the policies. After observing ISO 27001 Compliance the changes in the new version, organisations need to rename their documents and create an updated statement so that they can continue to maintain their applicability.


The ISO 27001 2022 is an important standard that can help organisations protect their information assets. By following the steps outlined in this blog, organisations can successfully implement ISO 27001 and improve the security of their assets. 

Elevate your organisation's security expertise with ISO 27005 Foundation Training. Secure your future in a digital world.

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