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What is ISO 20000

Organisations constantly strive to deliver top-notch services to their customers. However, achieving this requires a commitment to excellence and adherence to established International Standards that ensure consistent quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Among these Standards, ISO 20000 is a vital framework for organisations looking to enhance their Service Management practices. But the question arises: What is ISO 20000? 

In order to find the answer to this question, read this blog. In this blog, you are going to understand What is ISO 20000. Also, explore its significance and role in shaping effective Service Management strategies. 

Table of Contents 

1) Understanding What is ISO 20000 

2) Benefits of implementing ISO 20000 

3) ISO 20000 Certification process 

4) Challenges in implementing ISO 20000 

5) Conclusion


Understanding What is ISO 20000 

ISO 20000, also known as ISO/IEC 20000, is a globally recognised Standard. It specifies the requirements for implementing an Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) system effectively in an organisational environment. It was developed to enhance IT services' quality, efficiency, and reliability while promoting continual improvement within the organisation. 

It provides organisations with a structured framework to plan, design, transition, deliver, and improve IT services. Thus, it ensures the organisation’s IT systems meet customer requirements and align with industry best practices. ISO 20000 sets the stage for establishing a robust Service Management system that aligns an organisation's IT services with business objectives. It emphasises the importance of structured processes, competent personnel, effective communication, and ongoing measurement and improvement.

ISO 20000 Training

Importance of ISO 20000 in Service Management 

Now that you know What is ISO 20000, let’s understand the importance of ISO 20000 in Service Management. Here's a quick look at its importance: 

a) Elevating service excellence: In the modern business environment, delivering exceptional services is a cornerstone of success. ISO 20000 elevates service excellence by providing organisations with a structured framework to manage their services from conception to delivery. This helps ensure that they meet customer expectations consistently. 

b) Customer-centric approach: ISO 20000 places customers at the centre of Service Management efforts. Organisations can improve customer satisfaction, loyalty, and trust by aligning services with customer needs and expectations. 

c) Streamlined operations: Implementing ISO 20000 helps organisations streamline their Service Management processes. This reduces service disruptions, optimises resource utilisation, and improves response times to incidents and requests. 

d) Competitive advantage: ISO 20000 accreditation signifies an organisation's commitment to delivering high-quality services. It provides a competitive advantage by demonstrating to clients, partners, and stakeholders that the organisation adheres to internationally recognised best practices.

Ready to take your IT Service Management career to the next level? Sign up for our ISO 20000 Lead Auditor Training now! 

Benefits of implementing ISO 20000 

Implementing ISO 20000 offers various advantages to organisations across various industries. By complying with the principles and guidelines outlined in the Standard, businesses can achieve significant improvements in their Service Management practices. Let's dive into the key Benefits implementing of ISO 20000

Improved service quality 

ISO 20000 places a strong emphasis on understanding and meeting customer requirements. By following structured service design, delivery, and improvement processes, organisations can consistently deliver services that align with customer expectations. Thus, they can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

The implementation of ISO 20000 encourages proactive monitoring and management of services. This leads to quicker identification and resolution of issues, minimising service disruptions and ensuring users a more reliable service experience. 

Enhanced operational efficiency 

ISO 20000 promotes designing and implementing well-defined and efficient Service Management processes. This streamlines operations, reduces redundancies, and eliminates unnecessary tasks, resulting in optimised resource utilisation. 

Moreover, organisations can address service disruptions more efficiently through structured incident and problem management processes. This leads to quicker incident resolution times, minimising the impact of service disruptions on users. 

Alignment with best practices 

ISO 20000 is aligned with global best practices in Service Management. This quality makes it a valuable framework for organisations seeking to adopt internationally recognised guidelines for their ITSM practices. 

The Standard also provides a framework that helps organisations demonstrate their commitment to adhering to industry standards and delivering high-quality services. This can be particularly important when engaging with clients, partners, and stakeholders. 

Effective risk management 

It encourages organisations to identify and manage potential risks impacting service delivery. Organisations can take proactive measures to prevent disruptions and minimise their impact by identifying risks early. Effective risk management ensures that services can continue even in the face of unexpected challenges. Thus, ISO 20000 helps organisations establish contingency plans and strategies to maintain service availability during disruptions. 

Continuous improvement 

Implementing this Standard fosters a culture of continual improvement within organisations. By regularly reviewing performance metrics, gathering user feedback, and making iterative enhancements, organisations can evolve and adapt their Service Management practices to changing needs. 

Also, organisations that earn an ISO 20000 Certification gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. It is because a Certification demonstrates to clients and partners that the organisation is committed to providing quality services and continually improving its processes. 

ISO 20000 Certification process 

Acquiring an ISO 20000 Certification is a significant accomplishment that demonstrates an organisation's commitment to excellence in ITSM. Thus, it’s crucial to understand the process of gaining this Certification. 

The ISO 20000 Certification process involves several steps that organisations must follow to ensure that the requirements of the Standard are met. Here's a comprehensive overview of the ISO 20000 Certification process:

ISO 20000 Certification process

Step 1: Awareness and preparation 

Organisations must thoroughly understand the Standard before embarking on the Certification journey. This includes familiarising themselves with its key principles, requirements, and benefits. 

They must also conduct gap analysis at initial stages. Conducting a gap analysis involves assessing the organisation's existing IT Service Management practices against the requirements of ISO 20000. This analysis assists in identifying areas that need improvement or alignment with the standard. 

Step 2: Design and implementation 

Based on the gap analysis, organisations need to design an IT Service Management system that aligns with the principles of ISO 20000. This involves defining processes, roles, responsibilities, and procedures to address identified gaps. 

Once the design is complete, organisations must implement the designed processes. This may involve training employees, updating documentation, and establishing communication channels for effective process execution. 

Step 3: Documentation and evidence gathering 

ISO 20000 requires organisations to document their Service Management procedures, policies, and guidelines. Clear and well-structured documentation serves as evidence of compliance with the Standard. 

During this phase, organisations gather evidence demonstrating that their implemented processes align with ISO 20000 requirements. Evidence may include records, reports, performance metrics, and incident resolutions. 

Step 4: Internal audit 

In this step of the process, organisations are required to perform an internal audit to evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented ITSM system. The internal audit helps identify any non-conformances or areas for improvement before the formal certification audit. 

Step 5: Certification audit 

Certification audit involves the following: 

a) Selection of certification body: Organisations must choose a certified and accredited certification body to perform the formal Certification audit. The certification body assesses the organisation's ITSM system against the ISO 20000 requirements. 

b) Stage 1 audit (Document review): The stage 1 audit involves a review of the organisation's documentation and evidence to ensure that they align with ISO 20000. The audit also confirms the readiness of the organisation for the next phase. 

c) Stage 2 audit (On-site assessment): The stage 2 audit is an on-site assessment where the Certification Auditors evaluate processes' implementation and effectiveness. They interview personnel, review records, and gather evidence. 

Step 6: Corrective actions and Certification 

Let us look at the sixth step in this process: 

a) Corrective actions: If any non-conformities are identified during the Certification audit, organisations must take corrective actions to address them. This may involve making process improvements, providing additional evidence, or resolving issues. 

b) Certification decision: After the corrective actions are taken, the certification body reviews the evidence and determines whether the organisation meets the requirements for ISO 20000 Certification. 

Step 7: Maintaining the Certification 

The last step involves managing the Certification. This can be achieved through the following: 

a) Surveillance audits: After gaining the Certification, organisations are subjected to regular surveillance audits. They must ensure that they continue to meet ISO 20000 requirements. These audits help maintain the integrity of the Certification over time. 

b) Recertification: ISO 20000 Certification is typically valid for a certain period (e.g., three years). Organisations must recertify before the certificate expires to ensure ongoing compliance with the Standard. 

Enhance your skills with ISO 20000 Internal Auditor training – sign up for our ISO 20000 Internal Auditor Training now! 

Challenges in implementing ISO 20000 

While implementing ISO 20000 can benefit organisations substantially, the journey is challenging. Thus, recognising and overcoming these challenges is essential for a successful and effective Standard implementation. Here are some common challenges organisations might encounter during the ISO 20000 implementation process: 

Cultural change and resistance 

Implementing ISO 20000 often requires changes in how services are designed, delivered, and managed. This is the reason why employees may resist adopting new processes, particularly if they have been accustomed to existing practices. 

To address resistance, organisations should emphasise the benefits of 20000. They must involve employees in the implementation process, provide training, and communicate the importance of the changes for the organisation's success. 

Resource constraints 

Implementing ISO 20000 requires a commitment of time, money, and personnel. Organisations might need help to allocate adequate resources, especially in smaller companies with limited budgets or staff. 

Effective resource management involves prioritising initiatives, allocating personnel, and securing necessary funding. Organisations should ensure that the required resources are available throughout the implementation process. 

Complexity of processes 

Designing and documenting processes that align with ISO 20000 can be complex, particularly for organisations with intricate service structures. Thus, ensuring the processes are transparent, well-documented, and applicable to the organisation's context is crucial.  

Simplifying processes while maintaining compliance with the Standard is a balancing act. Organisations should focus on creating strategies that are practical, efficient, and aligned with their Service Management objectives.

Learn the content and requirements of the International Standard – sign up for our ISO 20000 Training now!


We hope that after reading this blog, you have understood What is ISO 20000. It is a transformative framework for elevating IT Service Management practices. Its principles, from design to continuous improvement, foster quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. By embracing this International Standard for ITSM, organisations can navigate challenges, adopt best practices, and shape a future of enhanced service excellence. 

Learn about the role of ISO 20000 Lead Implementer – sign up for our ISO 20000 Lead Implementer Training now! 

Frequently Asked Questions

How does ISO 20000 Certification impact career advancement? faq-arrow

ISO 20000 Certification significantly enhances career advancement by validating expertise in IT Service Management. Holding this accreditation demonstrates a commitment to industry best practices, increasing trust among employers and clients. 

With a recognised global standard, professionals with ISO 20000 Certification are better positioned for promotions, salary increments, and job opportunities. The certification also opens doors to roles in Quality Management and Compliance.

How does ISO 20000 Certification contribute to organisational success? faq-arrow

ISO 20000 Certification enhances organisational success by establishing standardised processes, promoting efficiency, and reducing operational risks. Certification signifies commitment to delivering quality services, instilling client confidence. 

Improved service delivery improves customer satisfaction and loyalty, driving business growth. Additionally, compliance with ISO 20000 demonstrates a dedication to continuous improvement, enhancing agility and adaptability in a dynamic business environment.

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Alongside our diverse Online Course Catalogue, encompassing 17 major categories, we go the extra mile by providing a plethora of free educational Online Resources like News updates, blogs, videos, webinars, and interview questions. By tailoring learning experiences further, professionals can maximise value with customisable Course Bundles of TKA

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The Knowledge Academy’s Knowledge Pass, a prepaid voucher, adds another layer of flexibility, allowing course bookings over 12 months. Join us on a journey where education knows no bounds. 

What are related ISO 20000 Courses and blogs provided by The Knowledge Academy? faq-arrow

The Knowledge Academy offers various ISO 20000 Courses, including ISO 20000 Foundation, Lead Auditor and Internal Auditor. These courses cater to different skill levels, providing comprehensive insights into IT Service Management methodologies

Our IT Service Management Blogs covers a range of topics related to ISO 20000, offering valuable resources, best practices, and industry insights. Whether you are a beginner or looking to advance your ISO 20000 Compliance skills, The Knowledge Academy's diverse courses and informative blogs have you covered.

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