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Best Cloud Computing Tools You Need to Know

Cloud Computing Tools are instrumental in optimising the vast potential of Cloud Computing technology. These tools provide a framework that simplifies Cloud Management, enhances security, and automates key tasks to ensure seamless operations. They range from virtual machine orchestration, Database Management, and storage solutions to networking and monitoring utilities. 

According to Cloudwards, by 2025, Cloud servers will store more than 100 zettabytes (100 trillion gigabytes) of data. This shows the overall popularity and usability of Clouds. Explore Cloud Computing Tools categorised for computing, storage, networking, and more. Further, read this blog to find the right tools for your cloud needs.

Table of Contents 

1) What are Cloud Computing Tools? 

2) Importance of Cloud Computing Tools

3) Categories of Cloud Computing Tools 

4) Best Cloud Computing Tools

5) Conclusion 

What are Cloud Computing Tools? 

Cloud Computing Tools are special software and services that use the internet and remote servers to manage, store, and process data and applications. Unlike traditional computing, which is done on a single device, these tools connect to a network of servers in the cloud. They provide flexibility, scalability, and accessibility, letting users work and store information from anywhere with an internet connection.

Cloud Computing


Importance of Cloud Computing Tools 

Cloud Computing Tools are pivotal in modern technology landscapes, as they offer numerous advantages that drive efficiency, innovation, and growth. Here is why they are so important:  

a) Efficiency and scalability: Cloud Computing Tools enable businesses to scale resources up or down as needed. This scalability means that companies can quickly adjust to changes in demand, whether it is handling a sudden influx of customers or accommodating seasonal peaks. With the right tools, businesses can avoid over-provisioning or under-utilising resources, optimising cost-efficiency.  

b) Cost savings: Traditional Computing infrastructure requires significant upfront investments and ongoing maintenance costs. Cloud Computing Tools, however, allow organisations to pay only for the resources they use, transforming capital expenses into operational expenses.  

c) Innovation and speed: These Cloud tools provide the agility necessary for rapid innovation. It allows businesses to experiment with new ideas, develop and test applications quickly, and bring new products to market faster. The ease of deploying resources in the Cloud encourages experimentation and iteration, fostering a culture of innovation.  

d) Global reach and accessibility: Cloud Computing Tools offer a global platform accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. This global reach facilitates collaboration among teams located in different parts of the world. Businesses can serve customers, partners, and employees regardless of geographic boundaries, enabling expansion into new markets.  

e) Data security and compliance: Security tools within Cloud Computing ensure the protection of sensitive data. They offer features such as encryption, access controls, and threat detection to mitigate cyber risks. Compliance tools help organisations adhere to industry regulations and standards, fostering trust with customers and stakeholders.  

f) Disaster recovery and business continuity: These Cloud tools provide reliable backup and disaster recovery solutions. In unexpected events like hardware failures or natural disasters, Cloud-based backups ensure data remains safe and accessible. This enhances business continuity and reduces downtime.  

g) Collaboration and productivity: These tools enable seamless collaboration by providing shared real-time platforms for teams to collaborate on projects and documents. This collaborative environment enhances productivity and communication among team members, regardless of their physical location.  

h) Environmental impact: Cloud Computing Tools contribute to environmental sustainability by optimising resource utilisation. Cloud providers can consolidate resources efficiently, reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint compared to traditional data centres. 

Categories of Cloud Computing Tools  

Cloud Computing has changed the way people use the internet to store and manage data and run software. Inside this world of Cloud Computing, there are different types of tools that help businesses do different things. Let's look at these tools to understand how they help make things easier and safer in the cloud. 

Compute and processing 

Benefits of compute and processing tools

Computing and processing serve as the core of Cloud Computing, fuelling applications and tasks with the necessary resources. These tools deliver the ability to efficiently manage data, run software, and handle computational workloads in dynamic environments. 

a) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2): As a pivotal Amazon Web Service (AWS), Amazon EC2 offers unmatched flexibility in provisioning and managing virtual servers. EC2 instances can be swiftly launched, configured, and personalised to suit various computing needs. The array of instance types caters to specific use cases, such as high computational power or GPU-accelerated tasks. EC2's scalability accommodates changing demands, optimising performance and costs. 

b) Google Compute Engine: Google Compute Engine brings Google's computational prowess to the Cloud. It facilitates deploying and managing virtual machines (instances) with diverse operating systems. Instances are highly customisable, allowing users to adjust CPU, memory, and resources to match their requirements. Integration with Google Cloud services streamlines data processing, making it ideal for projects requiring rapid scalability and reliability. 

c) Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine: Microsoft's Azure Virtual Machines offer a comprehensive platform for deploying virtual servers. With support for both Windows and Linux, Azure caters to a wide range of applications. Users can choose from various instance sizes and performance tiers, leveraging Microsoft's global data centres for seamless scalability. 

d) DigitalOcean Droplets: Known for simplicity, DigitalOcean Droplets are popular among Developers. They provide user-friendly virtual private servers that can be quickly deployed. Droplets come in different configurations, suitable for hosting websites, developing applications, or experimenting with new technologies. 

e) IBM Cloud Virtual Servers: IBM Cloud's Virtual Servers offer performance and control with customisable CPU, memory, and storage options. Security and compliance are prioritised, making it a reliable choice for deploying applications and data. 

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Storage and backup  

Storage and backup solutions form the bedrock of Data Management in Cloud Computing, ensuring data availability, durability, and recoverability. These tools empower businesses to securely store vast amounts of data while offering mechanisms to retrieve and safeguard it effectively.  

a) Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3): Amazon S3 is a foundational AWS service that offers highly scalable object storage. It allows businesses to store and retrieve any amount of data with high availability. S3's versatility caters to a broad spectrum of use cases, from hosting static websites and streaming media to serving as a backend for data-intensive applications.  

b) Google Cloud Storage: Google Cloud Storage delivers scalable object storage with global accessibility. It supports different storage classes to suit varying performance and cost requirements. Businesses can easily manage and retrieve data, making it suitable for content storage, data backup, and disaster recovery.  

c) Microsoft Azure Blob Storage: Azure Blob Storage provides massive-scale object storage for unstructured data. It accommodates hot, cool, and archive data tiers with tiered storage options, optimising costs. The integration with Azure services allows seamless data movement and sharing, ideal for content distribution and backup.  

d) Dropbox Business: Dropbox Business is a Cloud-based file storage and collaboration platform. It allows teams to sync, share, and collaborate on files securely. The ease of use and compatibility across different platforms make Dropbox a favoured option for both individual users and businesses seeking effective solutions.  

e) Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage: Backblaze B2 offers cost-effective Cloud storage for a range of data types. It provides durable and available storage suitable for backup, archiving, and serving content. B2's affordability and pay-as-you-go pricing model make it a preferred option for businesses seeking budget-friendly storage solutions. 

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Benefits of Networking tools

Networking tools are the backbone of Cloud infrastructure, enabling seamless connectivity and data transmission between various resources. These tools lay the foundation for building robust, secure, and scalable cloud environments that cater to the needs of modern businesses.  

a) Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): Amazon VPC allows users to create isolated networks within the AWS Cloud. It provides control over network topology, IP addressing, and security settings. VPCs facilitate the creation of private subnets, public subnets, and network gateways, allowing businesses to design customised network architectures that suit their specific requirements.  

b) Google VPC Network: Google VPC Network offers similar capabilities by creating logically isolated sections within Google Cloud. Users can define IP ranges, subnets, and firewall rules to control network traffic flow. This tool ensures secure communication between resources and provides flexibility in designing network layouts. 

c) Microsoft Azure Virtual Network: Azure Virtual Network enables users to connect and isolate resources in the Cloud. It supports the creation of subnets, network security groups, and VPN gateways. Azure's Virtual Network Gateway allows secure communication between on-premises networks and Cloud resources, enhancing hybrid connectivity.  

d) Cloudflare: Cloudflare provides content delivery, DDoS protection, and DNS services. It optimises web content delivery to users worldwide by using its extensive network of servers. Cloudflare's security features safeguard applications from various online threats, enhancing availability and performance.  

e) Akamai: Akamai is a content delivery and Cloud security platform that accelerates content delivery by distributing it across a global network of servers. It provides caching, load balancing, and DDoS mitigation, enhancing website and application performance while ensuring robust security against cyberattacks. 

Database Management  

Database Management tools are at the core of Cloud-based data operations, enabling efficient storage, retrieval, and management of structured and unstructured data. These tools empower businesses to organise, analyse, and secure their data assets while ensuring high availability and scalability.  

a) Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS): Amazon RDS simplifies Database Management by automating routine tasks such as provisioning, patching, and backups. It supports various database engines like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server. RDS offers features like automated backups, scaling capabilities, and multi-region replication, ensuring reliable data storage and availability.  

b) Google Cloud SQL: Google Cloud SQL provides fully managed relational database services for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server. It offers automatic backups, patch management, and scaling options. Cloud SQL integrates seamlessly with other Google Cloud services, allowing developers to focus on application development rather than database administration.  

c) Microsoft Azure SQL Database: Azure SQL Database is a database service that offers high compatibility with SQL Server. It provides features like automatic tuning, geo-replication, and built-in security. Azure SQL Database adapts to varying workloads, ensuring consistent performance for applications.  

d) MongoDB Atlas: MongoDB Atlas is a managed MongoDB database service that handles database operations and maintenance tasks. It offers automated backups, scaling, and monitoring features. Atlas supports MongoDB's flexible document-based data model, making it suitable for applications with evolving data requirements.  

e) Redis Labs: Redis Labs provides a managed Redis database service for caching, real-time analytics, and session management. It offers high-performance in-memory data storage and supports various data structures. Redis Labs' managed service simplifies Redis databases' deployment, monitoring, and scaling. 

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Monitoring and management  

Monitoring and management tools are essential components of Cloud Computing that provide insights into resource utilisation, performance, and overall health of Cloud environments. These tools empower businesses to optimise operations, ensure reliability, and proactively address issues.  

a) Amazon CloudWatch: Amazon CloudWatch is a comprehensive monitoring service within AWS that offers real-time visibility into resource utilisation and application performance. It collects and presents metrics, logs, and alarms to help users monitor  their AWS resources effectively. CloudWatch enables proactive management by setting up automated actions based on predefined thresholds.  

b) Google Cloud Monitoring: Google Cloud Monitoring provides visibility into Google Cloud resources' performance, availability, and health. It offers a unified dashboard for monitoring metrics, logs, and traces. The tool's integration with other Google Cloud services allows seamless analysis and troubleshooting of performance issues.  

c) Microsoft Azure Monitor: Azure Monitor is a centralised monitoring service for Azure resources. It collects and analyses telemetry data from various sources, enabling users to understand the performance of applications and services. Azure Monitor provides insights through visualisations, alerts, and custom dashboards, helping businesses optimise their Azure deployments.  

d) Datadog: Datadog is a cloud monitoring and analytics platform that provides real-time insights into infrastructure, applications, and user experiences. It supports various integrations, allowing users to collect data from multiple sources. Datadog's advanced analytics and customisable dashboards facilitate troubleshooting and performance optimisation.  

e) New Relic: New Relic offers application performance monitoring and management solutions for Cloud environments. It provides deep insights into application behaviour, transaction traces, and infrastructure performance. New Relic's AI-driven analytics and anomaly detection help identify issues before they impact user experience. 

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Security and compliance  

Security and compliance tools are paramount in the world of Cloud Computing, safeguarding data, applications, and infrastructure from threats while ensuring adherence to industry regulations. These tools provide the foundation for maintaining a secure and compliant cloud environment. This Cloud Computing Tool has several benefits, such as enhanced data protection, risk mitigation, regulatory compliance, data privacy, preventive measures, and more.  

a) Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM): Amazon IAM enables granular control over user access to AWS resources. It allows organisations to manage user identities, permissions, and authentication methods. IAM guarantees that only approved individuals can access certain resources, minimising the chance of unauthorised data disclosure.  

b) Google Cloud Identity and Access Management: Google Cloud IAM offers fine-grained access control to Google Cloud resources. It facilitates the assignment of roles and permissions to users and service accounts. IAM ensures the principle of least privilege, limiting access to resources based on job roles and responsibilities.  

c) Microsoft Azure Active Directory: Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) provides identity and access management for Azure resources and applications. It offers Single Sign-On (SSO), Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), and integration with on-premises Active Directory. Azure AD enhances security by enforcing strong authentication measures.  

d) CloudGuard by Check Point: CloudGuard is a comprehensive cloud security platform that offers threat prevention, network security, and compliance management. It provides features like firewall protection, intrusion prevention, and threat intelligence. CloudGuard helps organisations safeguard Cloud assets from cyber threats.  

e) Trend Micro Cloud One: Trend Micro Cloud One is a security platform designed for Cloud environments. It offers a suite of security services, including workload protection, network security, and compliance management. Cloud One ensures that data remains secure, even as organisations scale their cloud infrastructure. 

Best Cloud Computing Tools

Here is a curated list of the best Cloud Computing Tools available on the market, have a look:

Amazon Web Services 

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is an extensively designed and widely adopted Cloud Computing platform provided by Amazon. Launched in 2006, AWS offers users with a vast array of on-demand services, including computing power, storage, and databases, as well as Machine Learning, analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. 

Now the service holds more than 30 per cent of the market shares owing to Cloud Infrastructure services and is trusted by millions of customers globally. AWS especially provides developers scalable and reliable infrastructure that enables businesses to innovate and grow. Its pay-as-you-go pricing model and expansive service portfolio make it a go-to choice for organisations seeking flexible and cost-effective cloud solutions.

Google App Engine 

Google App Engine is a fully managed Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offered by Google Cloud. Launched in 2008, the service allows developers to build, deploy, and scale applications without managing the underlying infrastructure. It is built to support multiple programming languages, including Python, Java, and Go. The App Engine further simplifies development with automatic scaling, load balancing, and built-in services for tasks like data storage and messaging. Moreover, software developers can focus on writing code, while Google handles the operational aspects.

App Engine is renowned for its ease of use, serverless architecture, and seamless integration with other Google Cloud services, making it an efficient choice for web application deployment. More importantly, the service is specifically designed to be a thoroughly managed environment, which means that it requires zero configuration by developers and also negligible server management too. Developers can easily deploy their services within minutes and gain access to a significantly scalable PaaS environment.


CloudHub, a product of MuleSoft, is an Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) hosted in the cloud. As a component of the broader Anypoint Platform, CloudHub enables the seamless linking of applications, data, and devices across both on-premises and cloud environments. Providing a scalable and fully managed integration solution, CloudHub incorporates features such as API management, data transformation, and workflow orchestration. 

Through CloudHub, organisations can boost agility, streamline processes, and ensure the smooth exchange of information between diverse systems. Its user-friendly interface, robust security measures, and capacity to manage intricate integrations make CloudHub an invaluable tool for businesses striving to optimize connectivity and digital transformation efforts.


Cloudability examines financial expenditures within enterprises, identifying opportunities to minimise costs and enhance revenue growth while delivering budget reports. Key features encompass secure API integration and multi-cloud tracking, real-time synchronisation, and compliance management. The platform also includes dashboard analytics for comprehensive insights. Cloudability offers subscription plans categorised as Pro and Enterprise, catering to diverse user needs.


Cloudsfer stands out as a cloud-driven solution designed for data migration and transfer, providing a secure and seamless process for users looking to move their data across various cloud storage services. With compatibility spanning a wide range of cloud storage providers, including popular choices like Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and Box, among others, Cloudsfer ensures flexibility in the migration process. 

The platform's features include a cloud-based infrastructure specifically tailored for data migration and transfer. This functionality facilitates the secure and efficient movement of data between different cloud storage services, addressing the evolving needs of users seeking reliable data relocation solutions.


An IT automation software empowers system administrators by providing the capability to streamline repetitive tasks, swiftly deploy crucial applications, and efficiently oversee infrastructure changes, whether on-premises or in the cloud. This versatile tool automates tasks across the entire spectrum of the IT infrastructure life cycle, encompassing application configuration management, patch management, provisioning, discovery, operating system management, and infrastructure audit and compliance. 

Puppet boasts several key features that contribute to its effectiveness. Its scalability ensures adaptability to diverse infrastructure needs, while being open source promotes accessibility and community collaboration. The software's ability to report compliance enhances transparency in adherence to standards. Additionally, its cost-effectiveness makes it an attractive choice for organisations seeking efficient IT automation solutions. Notably, Puppet allows the execution of the same set of configurations multiple times on the same machine, further optimising its utility.


Sematext is a comprehensive observability platform designed to enhance the performance and reliability of modern applications. Offering a unified solution, Sematext provides real-time insights into logs, metrics, traces, and user experience. Its features include log management for centralised log analysis, infrastructure monitoring to track system performance, and distributed tracing to identify bottlenecks in application transactions. 

Sematext also offers synthetic monitoring to proactively assess application health and performance. With its user-friendly interface and support for various data sources, Sematext enables organisations to gain actionable insights, troubleshoot issues, and optimize the overall performance of their applications and infrastructure.


PagerDuty provides comprehensive incident response tools that empower cross-functional teams to effectively manage incidents at scale. Catering to diverse needs, PagerDuty offers solutions for DevOps, AIOps, security, and customer service teams. Its real-time on-call management and alert system simplify the scheduling of appropriate personnel for specific tasks at the right moment. 

With PagerDuty, teams can seamlessly coordinate and respond to incidents, ensuring a swift and efficient resolution process. The platform's versatility and real-time capabilities make it an indispensable asset for organisations seeking robust incident management solutions that foster collaboration and enhance overall operational resilience.


Chef is an open-source configuration management product rooted in Ruby, generously provided by Opscode under the Apache license. Administered through a hosted Chef cloud system, it enables administrators to programmatically configure virtual systems, eliminating repetitive manual tasks for enhanced operational efficiency. 

Now the Chef service encompasses a multitude of features, such as backup and recovery, real-time data management, and scalable automation, which collectively streamline the configuration process. It offers test deployment reliability, flexible IT automation, and search-based configuration capabilities. The platform excels in handling software and infrastructure changes, generating reports on compliance issues, security risks, and outdated software.


Chaos engineering serves as a preemptive approach to forestall system failures in Cloud Computing. Software Developers employ controlled experiments to pinpoint vulnerabilities, explore potential failure scenarios, and rehearse response strategies. Gremlin, a tool within this paradigm, enables the deliberate introduction of challenges such as CPU spikes, server shut-downs, latency injections, process terminations, and blocked DNS access. 

These simulated scenarios aim to expose vulnerabilities in the system, allowing developers to fortify their infrastructure against potential issues. Moreover, Gremlin facilitates testing disaster recovery procedures, mitigating the risk of fostering a false sense of security and ensuring robust resilience in the face of unforeseen challenges.


GitHub functions as a web-based platform essential for version control and collaborative efforts in software development. Although it doesn't conform to the conventional definition of a Cloud Computing platform, developers widely rely on it to host and oversee code repositories, making it a crucial tool for numerous cloud-based development projects. 

Now the key features of GitHub include version control, collaboration tools, and code repository hosting. With a robust developer community and ecosystem, GitHub is instrumental in supporting collaborative software development, seamlessly integrating into developer workflows. However, it's important to note that GitHub's functionality is confined to code management and collaboration, lacking the comprehensive features of a full-fledged Cloud Computing platform.


GitHub serves as a web-based platform extensively adopted by organisations for version control and collaborative work in Software Development. While it does not fit the conventional mold of a Cloud Computing platform, it plays a vital role for developers by providing a platform to organisations that wish to host and manage code repositories. This makes GitHub an indispensable tool for numerous projects based in the cloud. 

Now, the key features of GitHub include version control, collaborative tools, and code repository hosting. It also boasts of a thriving developer community and ecosystem, that contributes significantly to its status as an essential resource for collaborative Software Development. However, organisations need to take note that GitHub is specialised in code management and collaboration, rather than offering them the comprehensive features of a complete Cloud Computing platform.


Cloud Computing Tools are like super helpers for businesses. They do different jobs to make work easier and safer. They store data, connect things, and keep everything secure. They help companies to save money, work better together, and even help protect the environment. With these tools, businesses can achieve amazing things in the world of technology. 

Ready to future-proof your business? Embrace the power and flexibility that cloud computing offers. Our Cloud Computing courses will help you manage data storage to application deployment. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Which tool is best for cloud computing? faq-arrow

There are various tools available for the purpose of Cloud Computing, of which Amazon Web Services (AWS) offer users extensive services and scalability. Additionally, Microsoft Azure is a Cloud Computing tool which is best suited to enterprises with Windows-based operating systems. 
Further, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a well-known industry standard tool intended for Data Analytics and Machine Learning capabilities. An organisation will need to select their best fitting tool based on their business requirements, expertise and project budget. 


Why use cloud tools? faq-arrow

Tools can be utilised to help leverage business outcomes, due to the following advantages:

a) Accessibility: Cloud-native software applications and data are easily accessible to users from any device virtually connected via the internet.

b) Speed to market: The development of software in the cloud enables uses to get their applications to the competitive markets immediately.

c) Security of data: Users do not need to bear any data loss due to failures in hardware due to the backups available on the network.

d) Cost cutting on equipment: Since the resources utilised in Cloud Computing are remotely hosted and accessed, organisations save significantly on the cost of maintaining servers and other necessary equipment.

e) Structure of payment: The pay structure of a ‘utility’ nature means that users will only pay the fee depending on the resources they have used.

What are the different cloud platforms available? faq-arrow

The various Cloud Computing platforms available are public, private, dedicated and hybrid cloud. These three platform types include four essential services, namely Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) and serverless computing.

Public cloud platforms are created mainly from the IT infrastructure that is not owned by users, including the likes of Alibaba cloud, Google cloud, IBM cloud and Microsoft Azure. Additionally, private cloud platforms are exclusive to a single user or group of users, wherein the cloud environment operators behind that user’s firewall.

Moreover, there is another cloud platform known as the ‘dedicated cloud’, which is a cloud located inside a cloud. For instance, an organisation’s accounts department can host its own dedicated cloud within the premises of its private cloud.

The final type is the hybrid cloud, which is built from many connected environments via Local Area Networks (LANs), Wide Area Networks (WANs), Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).


What are the other resources provided by The Knowledge Academy? faq-arrow

The Knowledge Academy takes global learning to new heights, offering over 30,000 online courses across 490+ locations in 220 countries. This expansive reach ensures accessibility and convenience for learners worldwide.  

Alongside our diverse Online Course Catalogue, encompassing 17 major categories, we go the extra mile by providing a plethora of free educational Online Resources like News updates, Blogs, videos, webinars, and interview questions. Tailoring learning experiences further, professionals can maximise value with customisable Course Bundles of TKA.  

The Knowledge Academy’s Knowledge Pass, a prepaid voucher, adds another layer of flexibility, allowing course bookings over a 12-month period. Join us on a journey where education knows no bounds.


What are related Cloud Computing courses provided by The Knowledge Academy? faq-arrow

The Knowledge Academy offers various Cloud Computing courses, including Cloud Computing Training, Terraform Training and Microservices Architecture Training. These courses cater to different skill levels, providing comprehensive insights into Cloud Computing Skills.  

Our Cloud Computing blogs cover a range of topics related to Terraform Training, offering valuable resources, best practices, and industry insights. Whether you are a beginner or looking to advance your Cloud Computing skills, The Knowledge Academy's diverse courses and informative blogs have you covered.


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