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What is Shift Left Testing in Agile

 Shift Left Testing in Agile is a process where you "shift" the process of testing to the “left”, which means putting it in the starting phases of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC).  Shift Left Testing is an approach that emphasises the early involvement of testing activities in the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC).

It also enables faster bug detection, improved collaboration, and enhanced quality assurance. Read this blog and understand the way Shift Left Testing in Agile works, coupled with the intricacies involved. 

Table of Contents  

1) What is Agile Shift Left Testing?  

2) Why use Shift Left Testing?  

3) How to implement Shift Left Testing in Agile?  

4) Best practices for Agile Shift Left Testing 

5) Benefits of Shift Left Testing in Agile

6) Is Shift Left always appropriate?

7) What changes after you Shift to the Left?  

8) Conclusion  

What is Agile Shift Left Testing?  

AgileShift Left Testing is an approach that emphasises the early involvement of testing activities in the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). Traditionally, testing is seen as a phase that occurs towards the end of the development process. However, Shift Left Testing flips this notion by advocating for the integration of testing activities much earlier in the SDLC, ideally starting from the requirements-gathering phase itself.  

Shifting testing activities "left" on the SDLC timeline aims to detect and address defects and issues earlier in the development process. This proactive approach enables teams to identify and mitigate risks before they escalate, resulting in improved quality, reduced rework, and faster time to market. 

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Why use Shift Left Testing?  

To understand the significance of Shift Left Testing in Agile, let's consider what could happen if testing activities are not “shifted left” in the SDLC. With testing deferred until the later stages, critical defects can slip into production, causing delays, expensive bug fixes, and customer dissatisfaction. Late-stage defect fixing also leads to more rework, lengthening the development cycle and introducing new bugs, impacting productivity and timelines.  

Late involvement of testing teams hampers communication, leading to mismatches between expectations and the final product. It also leads to delays and increased costs affecting the release timeline and maybe losing to the competition in the market.  

By implementing Shift Left Testing, Agile teams can mitigate these challenges and reap benefits that contribute to the success of their projects. 

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How to implement Shift Left Testing in Agile?  

Implementing Shift Left Testing in Agile requires a systematic approach. Here are key steps to help you get started:  

1) Educate the team  

Begin by educating your Agile development team about the concept and benefits of Shift Left Testing. Explain how it aligns with Agile principles and emphasises early involvement in testing activities.   

2) Assess your current process  

Evaluate your existing development process to identify areas where testing can be integrated earlier. Assess the level of collaboration between developers and testers and identify any gaps or challenges that need to be addressed.  

3) Define testing objectives  

Clearly define your testing objectives, including the types of tests to be conducted, the desired test coverage, and the quality goals you aim to achieve. This will help set a clear direction for the testing activities and ensure alignment with the project's objectives.  

4) Involve testers from the start  

Include testers in the requirements gathering and refinement phases. It allows the testers to provide input on testability, identify potential testing challenges, and clarify requirements early on. testers can also contribute to defining acceptance criteria and identifying possible test scenarios.  

5) Implement Test-Driven Development (TDD)  

Embrace TDD practices where developers write test cases before writing code. It ensures that the development process is driven by test requirements, promoting better code quality and facilitating early detection of issues.  

6) Integrate automated testing  

Implement continuous integration and automated testing practices. Set up automated test suites that can be executed with each code commit, providing immediate feedback to the development team. It allows for early detection of defects and helps maintain code stability.   

7) Monitor and adapt  

Continuously monitor the effectiveness of your Shift Left Testing approach. Gather feedback from the team, track key metrics, and identify areas for improvement. Adapt your testing strategies and processes based on lessons learned and evolving project needs.

Best practices for Agile Shift Left Testing  

Best practices for Agile Shift Left Testing

Implementing Shift Left Testing in Agile requires a proactive and collaborative approach. Here are the key steps to effectively incorporate it into your Agile development process:

Include developers and testers early into testing 

Involve testers and developers from the outset, starting with requirements gathering and refinement. Maintain their active participation throughout the development process to ensure early identification of potential issues.  

Test automation  

Automate testing processes wherever possible to achieve faster feedback and reduce manual effort. Incorporate automated unit tests, integration tests, and regression tests into the development pipeline for efficient and reliable testing. 

Continuous Integration and continuous testing  

Integrate testing into the Continuous Integration (CI) process to enable frequent and automated execution of tests with each code commit. This ensures defects are caught early and provides rapid feedback to the development team.  

Collaboration and communication  

Foster close collaboration between developers, testers, and stakeholders throughout development. Encourage regular meetings, feedback sessions, and open communication channels to ensure shared understanding and alignment.  

Usability and User Experience testing  

Pay attention to usability and User Experience by incorporating user-centric testing techniques early on. Conduct usability tests, gather user feedback, and iterate on design and functionality to enhance the end-user experience.  

Keep testability in focus while coding  

Developers should prioritise writing code that is easily testable. It involves adhering to coding best practices, decoupling dependencies, and designing modular and reusable components, facilitating efficient and comprehensive testing.  

Knowledge sharing and training  

Promote knowledge sharing among team members to ensure a collective understanding of testing practices and techniques. Provide training and upskilling opportunities to enhance developers' and testers' testing skills and knowledge. 

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Benefits of Agile Shift Left Testing  

Here are some of the key benefits of Shift Left Testing in Agile.  

a) Early defect detection: By “shifting left”, defects and issues can be identified and addressed earlier in development. This proactive approach reduces the risk of critical issues surfacing in later stages, resulting in higher product quality and customer satisfaction.  

b) Cost and time savings: Detecting and resolving defects early minimises the need for extensive rework. It saves time and resources by avoiding delays and reducing the overall cost of quality. Additionally, it mitigates the risk of expensive bug fixes and post-release failures.  

c) Improved collaboration: “Shifting left” promotes closer collaboration between Developers, Testers, and stakeholders. This collaborative environment leads to an improved understanding of requirements, faster issue resolution, and a shared sense of ownership.  

d) Enhanced software quality: With testing activities integrated early in the development process, there is a greater focus on preventive measures and quality assurance. This leads to improved code quality, reduced technical debt, and a more robust and reliable product.  

e) Faster time to market: Early defect detection, reduced rework, and improved collaboration accelerate the development cycle. By ensuring higher quality from the start, Shift Left Testing enables faster delivery of software, allowing organisations to meet market demands and gain a competitive edge.  

f) Increased customer satisfaction: Higher product quality from Shift Left Testing translates into enhanced customer satisfaction. Early defect detection and a smoother user experience contribute to building trust, loyalty, and positive brand perception among end-users.  

g) Continuous improvement: By incorporating Shift Left Testing into Agile practices, teams embrace a culture of continuous improvement. They can gather valuable insights from early testing activities, identify process bottlenecks, and refine their testing strategies iteratively. Continuous improvement leads to enhanced efficiency and effectiveness in future development cycles.  

By embracing Shift Left Testing in Agile, software development teams can reap these benefits, resulting in higher quality software and an overall better product. Shift Left Testing is an integral part of the Agile Process, enabling teams to deliver value to customers more efficiently and effectively.  

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Is Shift Left always appropriate?

A Shift Left Testing approach might only sometimes achieve optimal performance and functionality in a real-world setting. In such scenarios, a Shift Right Testing strategy may prove beneficial by:

1) Improving customer experience

2) Allowing for the implementation of test automation

3) Ensuring more comprehensive test coverage

Shift Right involves commencing testing from the right, i.e., after production. In this Shift Right practice, you will assess a fully developed and operational application to guarantee its performance and usability. Reviews and feedback from targeted users further enhance the software's quality.

A crucial aspect of the Shift Right approach is a readiness to:

1) Validate hypotheses by experimenting with new solutions=

2) Collaborate with customers to ascertain what is effective (rather than relying on assumptions)

Continuous feedback from users can aid in responding more effectively to software failures.

What changes after you Shift to the Left?

In practical terms, what does life look like once your organisation embraces Shift-Left Testing? What are some changes that are likely to be observed? Given below is a list of probable observations that can be made: 

Reduced waiting time in testing activities

Typically, one anticipates a decrease in waiting times associated with testing activities after making the Shift Left. In conventional, non-Agile settings, Testers must wait until developers complete the implementation of their features before they can commence testing activities.

By Shifting Left, testing becomes an early and frequent activity, occurring before, during, and after development.

Increased customer involvement

Many Agile methodologies emphasise the importance of customer involvement for the success of a software project.

Behaviour-driven development (BDD) and extreme programming (XP) are two methodologies that necessitate customer participation, especially in creating test cases or specifications. Even if you adopt Shift-Left without explicitly embracing BDD and XP, it is advantageous to incorporate customer involvement in the testing process.

A Diverse team engaged in Software Testing.

We are no longer in the 90s but well into the 21st century, where it has become increasingly common for everyone in a software organisation to participate in testing. This is not only beneficial but also essential for genuine Shift-Left Testing. To make testing a pervasive, continual activity, it is imperative to leverage all available help. Fortunately, contemporary tools enable even professionals with coding skills to author robust tests, a capability that was not feasible in the past.

Increased test coverage

An unsurprising outcome of Shift-Left Testing is an elevation in test coverage. The logic is straightforward: with more individuals writing tests more frequently and starting the process earlier, a more significant portion of the application is naturally covered by tests.

A less inevitable but probable consequence of Shift-Left Testing is increased code coverage. This is not guaranteed, as Shift-Left does not inherently imply a surge in the creation of unit tests, although it is likely the case.


Shift Left Testing in Agile is a powerful approach that brings early testing, collaboration, and quality assurance to the forefront of software development. By implementing Shift Left Testing and following best practices, Agile teams can deliver higher quality software, enhance customer satisfaction, and achieve faster time-to-market. Embrace the principles of Shift Left Testing, adapt them to your specific project needs, and elevate the quality of your software development process. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Shift Left important? faq-arrow

Shift Left holds profound significance in software development by prioritising early testing, mitigating waiting times, and optimising efficiency. This strategic approach, encompassing testing before, during, and after development, expedites feedback loops, leading to heightened software quality. By fostering a culture of continuous testing, Shift Left catalyses streamlined development processes, ultimately ensuring robust, reliable software products.

What is the impact of Shift-Left Testing? faq-arrow

Shift-Left Testing instigates a transformative paradigm, delivering substantial impacts across the Software Development domain. It culminates in diminished waiting periods during testing, intensified customer engagement, meticulous adherence to the testing pyramid, a diversified testing workforce, expanded test coverage, and heightened emphasis on preempting challenges tied to test maintenance. This holistic transformation significantly augments software development's quality, efficiency, and collaborative synergy.

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