Luanda is the capital city of Angolia. It is located in the North West of Angolia. It has a populations of approximately 2.8 million citizens. The education system in Luanda is based on the Cuban systems. Angola provides 8 years of Primary education compulsory and free to children in Angola. The Primary schools starts when children are 7 years old, with Secondary school starting at 11 years old and last for 8 years. Luanda also has a university called Universidade de Angola, formally called, Universidade de Luanda (University of Luanda), which offers a variety of degrees form engineering courses to medicinal courses. Universidade Privada de Angola, Universidade Técnica de Angola, Universidade Metodista, Universidade Metropolitana, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Relações Internacionais, and an Islamic university can all be found in Luanda.
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